I need a "Parabody ST" Abdominal cruncher and I can not find the ah heck!

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Golden Member
Oct 13, 1999
Thanks but no.

What I am looking is something where you rest your head even with the floor on a pad and then there is bar on top and you pull forward and your head is lifted and then you do the abdominal crunch. Parabody apparently does not make it any more and I did not see one on the auction web sites.

Anthony Canania

Junior Member
Oct 1, 2018
I Have a Parabody ST
It has the headrests and everything. I've had it for some time. A little scratched up but it's almost impossible to wear it out, it works like its was brand new.

The person looking for this almost 18 years ago probably no longer needs it. In any case he has not posted here for more than 8 years so he won't even see this.

administrator allisolm
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