Originally posted by: Mik3y
PSP&P is awesome, but I would never, ever put my money towards it. They're too damn loud! Seasonic for me.
First I would ask have you owned a PCP&C PSU?
Second I would ask did you read that from SPCR site?
If so let me point out that SPCR also called the zalman 9500 loud and thats just not what people who own the 9500 are saying about the Zalman!1
They are saying it is quiet!
Also in the last 3-4 months the good people at SPCR have introduced a new quiter fan control speed curcuit!
They have addressed that issue very well by the way!!
yet the bottom line is...
I had a talk with the tech people at PCP&R for my money they were right on when addressing that noise issue!
They stated they test all the fans they use on there PSU`s not for noise factor as much as reliability over the long term!
Contrary to popular belief gamers and personnal PC users are not there bread and butter..
The industrial segment of the PC industry is there bread and butter...facotirs and hospitals and other industries that require dependability over noise factor!
Yet the people at PCP&C have been listening and have taken corrective measures to deal with the noise issue!!
Also i read a comment that went like this...
I recommend Seasonic becuase I am tired of hearing about PSU problems...
Thats one reason I donot use anything other than PCP&C PSU`s!!
Then we have the comment-- Thats fine, but for $99 expect better than that. For the $75 and higher price range I expect separate rails and maybe PFC with 3% or better voltage regulaton. That Seasonic has 5% regulation and shared rails. POS.
There is no such thing as true seperate rails!!
Dual rails are a myth!!
Dual rails are NOT needed to run anything including the top of the line components for todays systems!
Even "seperate" rails use the same suorce and are in laymans terms branched off from the main rail.....
here`s some quotes from a pthread on mine in the C&C forums....
its a very good thread and addresses alot of issues including the modular issue...
"The issue about a noisy fan was addrerssed in there newer units.....yet IMO if your an industrial user fan noise is not at all included in the equation!
What you care about is reliability and quality and the fan needs to do its job...quiet or not the fan must be uber reliable!
As gamers we need to understand that not all companies are out there to provide components for our use at a cheap and affordable price to the everyday computer user!
We say there prices are high yet considering what there customer base is how do you put a price on reliability supposedly even under extreme industrial applications?
I do know that medical and research facilities(not all but some) use there PSU`s and some even request that there PSU`s be used in equipment that is bought.
So we say they are expensive......
There customer base says they are reliable and how do you put a price on that kind of reliability?
Even the tech told me there are good companies on the market.......
This is just our approach and our emphasis has always been on providing top quality , reliable units to all our customers. "