I need a hub/router, recommendation needed, thank you


Sep 17, 2000

I want to set up a home network, but I am new at this and don't know which hub/router to get. Any recommendation.

By the way, I am not sure what the different between a hub and router. Do I need both, or just one? If I need just one, which one? Hub or router? Told you I am a newbie. :)

-I have cable with only one ip address ( do I need a second ip address from my isp?).

-How do you set up a 2 computers network using only 1 ip address (I mean not paying for the second ip address).

-Running windows ME on both computers.

Thank You


Feb 1, 2000
i router takes one IP and re routes it into more IPs for your systems, a hub just hooks connects systems. You need a router. I have a linksys they are very good. ALso you can use Nat Software, which is like a software router.


Golden Member
Oct 10, 1999
I had the Linksys BEFSR-41 and couldn't play several online games, the most important to me Tribes.
I switched over to the Neatgear RT314 which has a hardware firewall, everything works now.
Highly recommended.
Also here is a place to read A LOT about routers nad swithces.
Practically Networked


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Silverback: Did you try forwarding ports when playing Tribes? I haven't played in a while so I don't remember if I had my Linksys when I was playing or not.

Anyway, I like the Linksys router and would recommend it. It's very simple to setup and has worked well for me.



Golden Member
Oct 10, 1999
Yup forwarded 28000-28004
I also tried the DMZ.
Nothing worked. Besides the issues with games the Linksys is a great NAT.
But in my estimation after using both the Netgear is better. BUT again it's 40 bucks more expensive to.
It realy depends on what your needs are.
Tribes would connect and you could play for several minutes, but then it would drop you.
This seems to be a common problem in a lot of applications while on the BEFSR-41 especailly if you are using PPPoE ...

Real people, real problems:

"Not Recommended by Brett [brettums@meidaone.net] on 9/23/00
Bottom Line: Crap !
Reality vs. Expectations: It was much worse than I expected.
Details: Could not open port 21 to ftp server..documentation is horrible,Router freezes internet connection every 30 minutes. I am buying a Ugate 3200..you get what you pay for..i paid for a piece of crap period ! "

"Not Recommended by Timo Jaakkimainen [timo@timo.org] on 9/15/00
Bottom Line: If the PPPoE worked, it'd be great
Reality vs. Expectations: It was worse than I expected.
Details: I've been using the BEFSR41 since April 2000 with Sympatico's HSE (1M DSL) account. I'm on v1.34 of the firmware and it still drops me several times each day. I'm always forced to disconnect/reconnect and sometimes it takes 5-10 minutes just to do this. "
"687 Submitted,136 Total NEGATIVE Opinions"

As far as the NetGear is involved, it's relatively new..Opinion Summary: 91% Yes 9% No
82 Submitted



Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2000
I just got the SMC router at buy.com for 158 and it had a $20 rebate. What makes this one better than the others is that it inludes 4 ports (netgear does not but linksys does) and has a printer port. Ive had the Linksys and sent it back when it degraded FTP transferred files. Actually made them bad.


Golden Member
Oct 10, 1999
Lets try an answer all your questions and not just debate the size of our....
err the length of .....err
which router is bigger,faster, better and serves beers during hot summer days.
The switcher/router's that we are talking about above, have several key functions.
1. It uses only 1 IP address for as many as 255 PC's
2. Both of the above mentioned routers have a built in NAT, ( hardware firewalls )
3. They allow your network to operate at peak speed.
I have noticed with my home network before my router that the transfer speeds were very similar to my dsl connection speed of 768k. After installing the router tranfser speeds were well over 50MB /sec. You must have 10/100 NIC cards though :p

Both routers will give you IP's for both your pc's through DHCP. You can configure them manually but there isn't ant real reason unless you are running a web site or a FTP site from your home.
Using DHCP is really very easy and you can litterally get your network up in 5 minutes.

What happens is the router gets the IP, then it selects IP's for your PC's and gives them thier addresses, it really isn't hard, serves as protection from hacking and makes your systems operate faster.
Go get one of them :p


Sep 17, 2000
Thanks Silverback and company!
After reading your comment and did some research myself. I think that a router is a good solution for me.

Router is it! :)

As for which brand of router? I am leaning toward Netgear 314 since I have been hearing many users complaining about the linksys one.

Any more advice, I am all ears.

Again, thanx alot.


Sep 17, 2000
By the way, what is "uplink" mean? I see some router has uplink jack for LAN, what is it?
