I need a car... (2)


Golden Member
Sep 28, 2001
I posted a while back about needing a car. Well, I still have not clue on what to get.
I have decided to just take any suggestions on cars. I would like a rally car but well thats going to be hard to find. So I will put a price limit of 10,000 and tell me what you guys would get.
I personally like cars that most people don't have. Not because they are bad cars but becuase people just don't know about them, or they are under rated. As I stated in my other post I would like awd but it doesnt really matter any more. :p

All suggestions are welcome.

Jun 18, 2000
I'm sorry, but these threads seem to pop up every day. Forgive the people here at ATOT if they don't go out of their way to help you out. :)

Anyhoo, to give a good suggestion I need some more info. Are you looking for something sporty? Something economical? Something new? Used? etc?

More info!


Diamond Member
May 18, 2000
save another 4,000 and get a 93-95 rx-7. i gaurentee you will be unique, and fast as hell.


Jun 1, 2001

<< save another 4,000 and get a 93-95 rx-7. i gaurentee you will be unique, and fast as hell. >>

And have fun maintaining it too :)


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000


<< save another 4,000 and get a 93-95 rx-7. i gaurentee you will be unique, and fast as hell. >>

And have fun maintaining it too :)

Dammit I was gonna say that.


Senior member
Feb 16, 2001

<< I posted a while back about needing a car. Well, I still have not clue on what to get.
I have decided to just take any suggestions on cars. I would like a rally car but well thats going to be hard to find. So I will put a price limit of 10,000 and tell me what you guys would get.
I personally like cars that most people don't have. Not because they are bad cars but becuase people just don't know about them, or they are under rated. As I stated in my other post I would like awd but it doesnt really matter any more. :p

All suggestions are welcome.

very unlikely you gonna find uniq car at that price range.
either you gonna have to pay whole lot more , or just buy what everyone has.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 1999
Sure you can its called AMC Eagle.
It has AWD so theres your rally car :). Just need to get the HP up some.


Golden Member
Sep 28, 2001
Whats the clearince height on that Eagle?

KnightBreed: Don't worry I figured as much.

Also I am looking for really any type of car. :) It could be a 4 wheel drive truck or a good econimy car. I would like a sporty car.... that doesnt eat gas....
So it basically all open. Hopefully this doesnt make it to hard to your. :)



Diamond Member
Sep 17, 2000
well since it's open to absolutely everything let me suggest any model from any car manufactuer currently available in that price range.
No realy we NEED more details about what you want thers a huge difference between a civic and a Mustang/Camaro


Golden Member
Sep 28, 2001
Hmmm, well let me think. I am wanting a standard for sure. That probably will not narow it down much but its a start. I would like something sporty if at all possible. Actually I would like something from over seas. I don't want a mustange or camaro. The only autos I would like for an american manufacturer are trucks. It need to be fun to drive. Also there are a lot of cars out there that just plan are bad. And them some that you never hear about, but are great cars. Thats kinda what I would like to find out. I know some of you out there have ad there troubles with some cars, and great moments with others. That is what I would like to hear about.

Also I would love a rx-7.... If for one I could find one for sale I would consider it. Secondly as someone stated I dont know about there reliablity and if needed the price for parts. And insurance on that might just be a bit high. I dont think they will like a 18 year old driving a foreign rocket car. :)
Thanks for they help so far.


Platinum Member
Jul 29, 2000
looks like you narrowed it down considerably. i got an acura integra myself. awesome interior, nice looking and sporty, and peppy to boot. you could try an eclipse, i'm looking at trading in my integra for an eclipse gsx, mainly for the AWD. it's one of the few coupe AWDs, subaru has some awd cars under their belt but they're not a company i'm really looking into (considering the budget at least, a wrx would be sweet but so would a lot of other things for $20k+). i head up to tahoe about every weekend and awd would be awesome, but i don't want to go for a truck or lower level suv with the budget, either. being in college myself i'd love something fun to throw around during the spring as well, so the eclipse seems like a good all purpose solution.

you could try nissan, maybe a 240sx or a toyota celica.


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 1999
240SX!! Who needs AWD when you have RWD??? Why stay on the road when you can spin out? :D

But seriously, its a great ride. Its relatively fast, very good on gas (I get around 520km on one tank with mixed driving), excellent handling, decent interior room (ok thats a lie..well decent for the driver).