So tomorrow I go for my interview. Seems like they are going to make me and my friend run house calls and change 'convertors'. Has anyone had this type of job....and know of any perks
... is it hard work?
The only good things I see out of it are:
1. Banging a hot blonde girl if she hits on you in her house
2. Eat lunch anywhere
3. Drive places
1. House calls with a$$holes
2. Driving all day
3. Being lonely
4. Might be ghetto'ed area
heh gimmie some info
The only good things I see out of it are:
1. Banging a hot blonde girl if she hits on you in her house
2. Eat lunch anywhere
3. Drive places
1. House calls with a$$holes
2. Driving all day
3. Being lonely
4. Might be ghetto'ed area
heh gimmie some info