I look at many things and am aware that what I think I am looking at is actually bigotry. How do you see this?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Do you see a typical goofball dressed in sham garb muttering nonsense and not even deserving a listen, or as a speaker of a profoundly important message worthy of consideration in the following link? Personally, I have not seen someone with his understanding and is still living in a long long time.

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Oct 6, 2009
There is a lot of room between nonsense not deserving a listen and profoundly important message. Only the sith deal in absolutes.
Mar 28, 2008
Do you see a typical goofball dressed in sham garb muttering nonsense and not even deserving a listen, or as a speaker of a profoundly important message worthy of consideration? Personally, I have not seen someone with his understanding and is still living in a long long time.
Who are you referring to in the second sentence?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
There is a lot of room between nonsense not deserving a listen and profoundly important message. Only the sith deal in absolutes.

Who are you referring to in the second sentence?

Need a concrete example
I forgot to include the link to the person I was talking about and while I want to kick the stupid idiot in the ass that didn't notice I did that, having watched it myself and it he warns against doing that very thing perhaps I shouldn't do that. My apologies. It took me a while to figure out what on earth your replies were about on top of it. Thanks for pointing out that without the link nothing made any sense.
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Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2020
There is a lot of room between nonsense not deserving a listen and profoundly important message. Only the sith deal in absolutes.
This is an absolute statement.

Also, my statement above is also absolute, without ambiguity.

alas, I will shamelessly steal something that has been stolen many times before, the original author lost to the void of the inter-webs:

"Is the Dark Side evil? Well answer this: Is it evil to hate, or is it good to hate evil? Is it evil to love, or is it only evil to love evil? I put it to you that under the right circumstances they are both virtues, representing the creative and competitive instincts that created civilization and brought about all true beauty in the galaxy. They can be the worst of us, but they are most definitely the best of us.

The Jedi will tell you that both love and hate lead to evil, and that their cold, remote order embodies all that is good. But under Jedi rule - and make no mistake, the Jedi are the iron fist concealed by the "democratic" velvet glove of the Republic - civilization has stagnated, moving no further in more than a thousand years. Perhaps the Jedi shackling of the soul prevents some evil, but how much good has it also prevented? The advancement of art and science both demand passion, they demand sapients explore all states of being open to them. The Jedi have enforced peace, at a price that cannot be borne.

If the Jedi are good, why does slavery persist in the galaxy after a thousand years of their rule? Why can the Hutts rule as petty tyrants over billions of innocents, right under their noses? The Jedi do not seek good, they seek balance. And where is balance? Not in the beauty of life, in the spiraling of helices and the eternity of destruction and renewal. There is only balance in lifelessness, in the desolate wastes, in the grave. It is no accident that the Jedi are ordered to celibacy, the women to remain fallow and the men impotent. The Jedi are ever suspicious of the very best in our nature, prejudiced against its unpredictability and lack of "balance".

I will tell you, the Jedi are evil. For a thousand years, they have forced stagnation on the galaxy, by repressing the at times chaotic, but ultimately sacred instincts of all sapient - instincts which have no place in their universe. And of course we have stagnated - without love, without hate, why do anything? Why not sit down calmly and simply die?

The Dark Side is not evil - it only appears that way because those who would use it, who would break the stultifying hold of the Jedi on the Force, are so sought out and persecuted by the supposedly dispassionate Jedi that they must act radically to survive at all. The Jedi are ever-vigilant against any rising force that could threaten their own monopoly, so those who would seek a better way are chained to violence, not by the nature of the Dark Side, but by the Jedi Order's own intolerance.

The Force comes from the life force, and the Dark Side is creative, chaotic, and beautiful, like life itself. The Dark Side is not evil. It is merely power, and power is only evil when wielded by evil hands - just as the so-called Light Side has done great evil in the form of the Jedi stranglehold on the galaxy. The Dark Side gives us abilities to control our fate, to protect our loved ones, to seek out new frontiers of the mind undreamed of in the pedestrian ambitions of the Jedi. They are abilities I can teach you, if you wish..."

*I have no shame in my attempt to derail Moonbeam's thread*
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Jul 27, 2020
I understand the video is long so most people may not want to watch it.


Sadhguru: Your mind is your employee. Yes, or no?
Why have you made him your enemy?
Resentment, anger, hatred – these are all poisonsyou drink, and you expect someone else to die.
Life doesn't work like that.
Do something about this one! [Referring to oneself]Fix this one before you enter the world.
Sadhguru: Once...
Shankaran Pillai had… [Laughter]
Why you're laughing at somebody'sailment, this is not good. [Laughter]
Shankaran Pillai had chronic tuberculosis; tuberculosis.
He went to the doctor; it's been festering for a longtime, but it became too much of a problem, so he went.
The doctor took an X-ray and looked – big holes in the lungs.
He said, “You need to get admitted into the hospital right away,
and... it takes a minor surgery,
and you have to stay in the hospital minimum 6 months,
and it'll cost you $50,000.”
Shankaran Pillai said, “ No, no way!” [Laughter]
"Hm-hm!" [Laughter]
“$50,000 for sure I don’t have; 6 months – no way.
I can give you $100 – what can you do? Now.”
The doctor looked at him, looked at theX-ray, looked at him, looked at the X-ray,
he said, “Well, for $100 I could touch up the X-ray for you.”
It is possible that...
you could have caused physical damage to your system,
an ailment, because of your patternsof thinking – very much possible,
because you're a psychosoma – whateverhappens in the mind, invariably happens in the body.
But once the damage is manifested in the body, physically,
trying to think it away could be just wishful thinking.
I'm not saying it's not at all possible,
but... after all, you have onlyone life – you don’t take such a risk.
Yes, you would like to assist it with your thought process also,
but... “No, I will just sit down and think it away.”
You may think yourself away, you know? [Laughs]
So, don’t try such things.
Disease or no disease, ailment or no ailment, youhave no business to make a mess out of your mind,
you have no business to torture this being.
Whether you get ailment, or youdon’t get an ailment, is the next thing;
but you have simply no business to torture this being
because this is...
in a way, it's a helpless being.
See, if I run after you with a hot iron right now,
you will try to escape, you'll call for help,
you can do all those things.
But suppose you take a hot ironand... start putting into this one;
where will this one run? Even if you're achild, you can still have some defense. Yes?
Even a 5, 6-year-old kid has some defense, isn't it?
But this one – no defense.
Whatever nonsense you do to thisone, it has to just go through it, no escape.
So, this is like torturing a fetus trapped inside,
now you start poking it – this is just like that, yes?
The cruelest form of torture, thecruelest that you can do is self torture
because a totally helpless being.
Everybody else, however helpless theyare, they have some defense, isn't it? Yes?
The weakest person can stab you when you'refast asleep. Yes, or no? It's happened, isn't it?
Somebody is weak, you went on poking them, oneday when you're sleeping they came and poked you.
They can do something, even a very weakperson, even a child can do something to you;
but this one – totally helpless.
So, you have no business to torture this one, whetheryou have got an ailment, or you haven't got an ailment.
If you have gotten an ailment already, if you’ve alreadytaken it that far that you caused damage to the system,
it is better that it is assisted in all ways possible.
Yes, definitely you must stop your nonsense,
but if the system needs medicine, surgery, this one,that one, whatever is needed – it has to be done.
Trying to just think it away becauseyou brought it through your mind,
do not think that you can take it away throughyour mind; possible – I'm not saying no at all.
I cannot say it's 100% no – it is possible.
But you don’t try such things because...
you may think yourself away. [Chuckles]
Once it crosses a certain point, thennobody can help you, isn't it? Yes?
Even your doctors give up at some point, or no? Are they?
The only people who don’t give upon you is the Insurance. [Laughter]
Everybody else gives up on you at some point.
The only people who don’t want togive up on you is Insurance because…
you know. [Laughs]
So... keeping your mind life-friendly
is definitely your business.
Your mind should be friendly to this life, isn't it so?
Should work for this life – after all,your mind is your employee.
Yes, or no? Why have you made him your enemy?
If you do not know how to handle the peoplewho work for you, they will turn into your enemies;
don’t have any misunderstanding about this,don’t have any doubt about this; it happens, isn't it so?
Hmm? If you don’t handle your own children properly,
they will turn into your enemies. No? You have any doubt?
“No, not my son, he won't do that.”
Don’t have any doubt, he’ll do that. [Laughs]
If you don’t handle him right,he will turn into your enemy. Yes, or no?
Yes, or no?Participants: Yes.
Sadhguru: That’s the way life is.
Now, why is it your mind
– such a powerful, beautiful, miraculous thing –has turned into your enemy?
This is something we have to look at: whetheryou have an ailment, or you're on the way. [Laughs]
Whichever way, it's time you look at it, isn't it so? Hmm?
You shouldn’t let any time pass because...
thinking diseases in, and thinking diseases out, is not fun.
It'll cost life. Once you have an ailment,it becomes a fulltime engagement,
you won't have any other luxury of sittingand listening to spiritual discourse like this.
It'll take away everything – you'll besitting in a hospital queue. Yes, or no?
It's not fun. Yes?Participants: Yes.
Sadhguru: It's not fun. Till you getthere, you don’t realize how bad it is.
I want you, everybody, however healthy you are, once a month
take a tour of a major hospital in your town. You must – really.
You must go and see, not for some perverse pleasure,
but you must see what can happen tohuman beings – just small things wrong, that’s all.
They didn’t commit any great crime, they werejust every day creating little acid in their stomach;
see where it's gotten them.
If you handle everything right,
still, you know, the damn tick may get into you [Laughter]
and cause problems, who knows? Yes?
You handled everything right – doesn’t matter;
you got into an airplane, you're thinking they'reall people, but the swine flu got into you. [Laughs]
Somebody is a swine there, you don’t know. [Laughter]
If you do everything right, stillthere are million problems, isn't it so?
The nature of life is such, even ifyou drink milk you could get poisoned;
but if you're talking about drinkingpoison and living well – all the best.
That’s all I can say. Isn’t it so?
If you eat good food, it can turn intopoison in your stomach, it's possible.
If you eat the best things, it can turn into poison.You want to eat poison, and live well?
I can only wish you luck, because there'sno other way for such a person, isn't it?
You're churning up poison, and hopingto live well? Oh... you need a lot of luck.
We have to arrange the whole tapestryof stars into a straight line for you;
all the stars in line for you, otherwiselife will not work for you, it'll get you.
So, please keep your mind in line;
it should work for you, it should dobeautiful things for you, not ugly things.
Why is your mind doing ugly things? So... [Laughs]
now, “I can't stand her, I can't stand her.” [Gestures]
If I develop resentment – resentment, anger, hatred –
these are all poisons you drink, and you expectsomeone else to die – life doesn’t work like that.
If you drink the poison only you die, not somebody else.
“I hate... I hate her, I want her dead, I want her dead.”
Only you die, not her. [Laughter] Isn't it?
You drink poison, and you expectsomebody else to die – it doesn’t work like that.
So... you need to get this straightened out.
If your mind is working against you,first and foremost thing that you do is,
take a break from every damn thing that you're doing,it doesn’t matter what you're doing. You understand?
Your work, your family, your nonsense,take a break from everything.
Go to an appropriate place – if you want you can come here,or go to India, or go somewhere else, wherever it works for you.
Do something about this one! [Referring to oneself]Fix this one before you enter the world.
So, sit down in one place, see what you can do about this one,
because once you live in this world, eitheryou must do something good to yourself,
or you must do something good to 10 people around you;
either you must be keeping yourself trulyjoyful and living, you don’t care about anybody,
it doesn’t matter, at least you're happy – you’re okay;
or you're doing something nice forsomebody around you – you're okay.
Anybody who is not doing any goodto himself, or to anybody around him,
has really no right to call himself human, isn't it?
That much intelligence and awarenessnature has put into you, isn’t it so? Yes?
Maybe you can't do some greatact in the world – it doesn’t matter!
At least walk gently upon this planet,that much you can do, right? Yes?
Maybe you can't go out and serve the wholeworld; it doesn’t matter, at least walk joyfully.
If you walk joyfully on this planet, suddenlyyou see the whole world looks beautiful.
Once the whole world looks beautiful,naturally you will shed a glance,
a loving glance upon everything,this is natural process. Is it so?
If you walk through this very joyfully,whatever you look at looks beautiful.
Once everything looks beautiful to you, you naturallyshed a very loving glance upon everything that you see;
you're a blessed being – that’s all it takes.
And if you're not so, isn't it time that youtake some time off and work upon yourself?
“No, no, I'm doing something important.”You're not doing anything important,
because in everything that you do,who you are will find expression, isn't it?
Hmm? Not your stupid good intentions which will find expression;
who you are will find expression in everything that you do.
If you have poison in your head, with goodintentions you'll inject poison into the world.
That’s what is happening in the world.
More damage is happening to this world withgood intentions than with bad intentions, isn't it so?
In 1934 Adolf Hitler gave a speech in Hamburg,
and he said, “I'm doing the duty of my forefathers”
when people asked him why he's roundingup people and sending them to the gas...
And I want you to understand,I believe that he was not lying – he believes.
That’s the most dangerous thing.
He’s not a liar, he believes what he'sdoing – that’s what empowers the man.
Within a short span of time, the way he organized the wholenation and made everybody believe whatever he believes in,
is not simple organization – phenomenal organization, isn't it?
Because the man believes 100%, andhe believes that he is doing the best thing,
he's doing the best thing that can be done to the world.
So, your good intentions are not going to save the world;
how you are – and how you are will change
only if you can breathe, walk, lie down, sit down, joyfully.
If you cannot do this one thing, everythingelse will be just poison, whatever you do.
Only when you're pleasant within yourself,you feel pleasant about everything around you.
Only when you feel pleasant about everything around you,
you move around with a certainsense and value to life around you;
otherwise, it doesn’t matter how much moralityyou carry in you, how many scriptures you remember,
you will find ways to do the cruelest possible things.
So, the first and foremost business, the firstand basic responsibility for a human being is,
how he sits here – are you sitting here joyfully?
Are you sitting here with some miserybeing manufactured in your head?
This is the foremost thing that you haveto attend to; only after that, everything else.
Because otherwise, nothing else really works, please see.
Whenever you feel very miserable,
always the thought comes, you want to end your life.
You don’t take action on that, butthought comes, isn't it? Yes, or no?
You try this: 24 hours you remain in misery.
You always entertain yourself with atelevision, or a book, or a friend, or something;
don’t do that – 24 hours just remain in misery.
Within 24 hours, you will get seriousthoughts that you want to end your life, for sure.
Because nobody can bear misery more than for a few minutes.
More than a few minutes, you need adiversion, otherwise you'll go crazy, isn't it?
To understand misery does not work,that’s not the way to conduct life.
Whatever may be your life situation – whatever, I'm saying…
whatever may be happening with your life.
Maybe when you came to the satsang you packed everything inyour car and come, and you have no house to go back to. [Laughs]
Maybe... if you come from Michigan. [Laughter]
Not you, okay, not you.
Maybe something else – there may be many things in life;
whatever it may be, you are better offthan when you were born, isn't it?
You came with nothing, at least you gotsomething now – you're on the profit side! [Laughter]
Look at the beauty of life: you came with utterly nothing,
whatever may be happening you're still in profit, not in loss.
So, you cannot complain. Hmm? [Chuckles] Isn't it so? [Laughs]
So... don’t try to think your disease away;
think your misery away. Hmm?
If you think your misery away, ailment or no ailment, we’ll see.

Sadhguru: Your mind is your employee. Why treat it like an enemy? Resentment, anger, and hatred poison your well-being, yet you expect others to suffer. Instead, fix your mind before engaging with the world.

Consider Shankaran Pillai, who, despite having chronic tuberculosis and needing costly treatment, humorously suggested a mere $100 for a quick fix. This illustrates how the mind's neglect can lead to real physical harm.

Your thoughts can influence your body, but once illness manifests, simply thinking it away can be perilous. Whether healthy or with ailments, it's essential not to torture your mind, which is defenseless against such self-inflicted harm. You must take care of this "being," especially if you are already suffering.

If an ailment arises, seek appropriate treatment alongside mental healing. Do not rely solely on the power of thought to resolve significant issues. Life is unpredictable, and genuine care for yourself is paramount. Think positively and maintain a supportive mindset.

Regularly reassess your mental state; once health deteriorates, it becomes your full-time focus. Take time off from your routine to nurture your mental well-being, ensuring you contribute positively to yourself and others.

Joyfully engaging with life makes everything appear beautiful, resulting in a natural inclination to appreciate those around you. But if your mind is toxic, even good intentions can lead to harm. Personal well-being is foundational, affecting how you interact with the world.

Ultimately, prioritize your happiness. Nothing else aligns or makes sense without it. Misery is unbearable, and if you dwell in it, you risk serious thoughts of despair. In any life scenario, remember you are better off than when you started; thus, focus on dispelling your misery rather than your ailments.)

Q: According to Sadhguru, how should we view our mind?

A: Sadhguru suggests that your mind is your employee and not your enemy. You should not allow negative thoughts to dominate, as it leads to internal conflict.

Q: What does Sadhguru say about feelings like resentment and anger?

A: He describes resentment, anger, and hatred as poisons that one drinks, mistakenly believing it will harm someone else. He emphasizes that such emotions only harm oneself.

Q: Why is it important to address our mental state before engaging with the world?

A: Sadhguru highlights the importance of fixing one's mental state before interacting with the world, as a troubled mind cannot contribute positively to either oneself or others.

Q: Can negative thought patterns lead to physical ailments?

A: Yes, Sadhguru explains that one can cause physical damage to the body through negative thinking and that the mind and body are interconnected.

Q: What does Sadhguru suggest if someone is already suffering from an ailment?

A: He advises that if someone has an ailment, they should seek medical care and not rely solely on positive thinking to resolve their physical issues.

Q: How does Sadhguru describe the act of self-torture?

A: Sadhguru characterizes self-torture as the cruelest form of torture because it poses no escape for one's own being, unlike other forms of torture where a person might retaliate or seek help.

Q: What should one do if they find their mind working against them?

A: Sadhguru recommends taking a break from all responsibilities and distractions to focus on oneself, as resolving internal issues is paramount.

Q: How does he propose one should engage with the world afterward?

A: After addressing personal mental health, he states that either one should be joyful themselves or do good for others to genuinely contribute to the world.

Q: What point does Sadhguru make about good intentions?

A: He argues that merely having good intentions is insufficient; what truly matters is the state of one's mind, as a troubled mind can lead to harmful actions despite good intentions.

Q: What is Sadhguru's advice on handling misery?

A: He suggests avoiding prolonged misery, as it can lead to serious thoughts about ending one’s life. Instead, the focus should be on cultivating joy and positivity.

Q: What is the ultimate message Sadhguru conveys regarding health and life?

A: Sadhguru emphasizes that regardless of life's challenges, one should not dwell in misery. Ultimately, one should prioritize a joyful mindset and address any ailments constructively, rather than trying to think them away.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
This is an absolute statement.

Also, my statement above is also absolute, without ambiguity.

alas, I will shamelessly steal something that has been stolen many times before, the original author lost to the void of the inter-webs:

"Is the Dark Side evil?

*I have no shame in my attempt to derail Moonbeam's thread*
Way too much thinking there for me. How do you see this Jedi analysis applying here. The points made I imagine are quite sophisticated when applied to a film motif but what is the translation to this thread that you wish to make?