I am with (Charles Kozierok) get a Sansa Clip+ and a 32G microSD card and Rockbox. Cheap, great sound quality, very handy form factor (it clips to your pants pocket and isn't huge) and you can charge it with any mini-USB cord. Me: I don't care for album art or the like, heck if I had my druthers the screens would be REAL monochrome as in like your watch, then the display would always be "live" & seeing it outdoors when it's sunny would be no issue.
I got a blue Clip+ a year ago & only paid $30 for it. Heck I only have the 4G model & only an 8G microSD and I'm okay with the 12G, but yes, I could easily get a 32G card & it's now a 36G model. With Rockbox firmware installed you get, among other things, the option to browse the database by a given letter. Thus, with me as of late being on a Green Day fix, (and I typically browse by artist) I don't have to hold down the down-arrow key forever scrolling from all the A-F artists to get there, I just tell it "G" and it narrows it down to the Gs.