Well I'm cynical of politicians of any persuasion & lump 'em with Lawyers & beaurocrats & the bane of society.
Seeing I'm not an expert in US politics, my assumptions could be wrong. But in the program which was basically a history of their lives it seemed that Gore was more of an independent acheiver (he wouldn't let daddy take part in his congressional campaign), while Bush was a bit of a daddy's boy with the insider connections (his old man being a former chaiman of the republican party, a former Republican vice-president/president & a former head of the CIA, one could not have a father who was more of a republican insider) who never acheived much by himself - all his businesses went bust & were bought out by people wanting Bush on the board, because of his dads position in life (who wouldn't want the son of the vice-president on the board).
But maybe the program was slanted this way, to make Bush seem a no-hoper. I don't really no enough to make a judgement. But one thing sticks, was Bush saying he gave up alcohol to re-gain control of his life. But then saying he's not an alcoholic. That blew it for me, that's the 1st sympton of being an alcoholic - having to go on the wagon to regain control of ones life. So either he's lying because he feels Americans won't elect a admitted alcoholic, or he can't accept the reality of being an alcoholic, which is useally the 1st pre-curser of an alcoholic taking up the drink again.
Seeing I'm not an expert in US politics, my assumptions could be wrong. But in the program which was basically a history of their lives it seemed that Gore was more of an independent acheiver (he wouldn't let daddy take part in his congressional campaign), while Bush was a bit of a daddy's boy with the insider connections (his old man being a former chaiman of the republican party, a former Republican vice-president/president & a former head of the CIA, one could not have a father who was more of a republican insider) who never acheived much by himself - all his businesses went bust & were bought out by people wanting Bush on the board, because of his dads position in life (who wouldn't want the son of the vice-president on the board).
But maybe the program was slanted this way, to make Bush seem a no-hoper. I don't really no enough to make a judgement. But one thing sticks, was Bush saying he gave up alcohol to re-gain control of his life. But then saying he's not an alcoholic. That blew it for me, that's the 1st sympton of being an alcoholic - having to go on the wagon to regain control of ones life. So either he's lying because he feels Americans won't elect a admitted alcoholic, or he can't accept the reality of being an alcoholic, which is useally the 1st pre-curser of an alcoholic taking up the drink again.