I just sore Bush & Gore interved on the telly here, early yeaturday morning.


Dec 8, 1999
Well I'm cynical of politicians of any persuasion & lump 'em with Lawyers & beaurocrats & the bane of society.

Seeing I'm not an expert in US politics, my assumptions could be wrong. But in the program which was basically a history of their lives it seemed that Gore was more of an independent acheiver (he wouldn't let daddy take part in his congressional campaign), while Bush was a bit of a daddy's boy with the insider connections (his old man being a former chaiman of the republican party, a former Republican vice-president/president & a former head of the CIA, one could not have a father who was more of a republican insider) who never acheived much by himself - all his businesses went bust & were bought out by people wanting Bush on the board, because of his dads position in life (who wouldn't want the son of the vice-president on the board).

But maybe the program was slanted this way, to make Bush seem a no-hoper. I don't really no enough to make a judgement. But one thing sticks, was Bush saying he gave up alcohol to re-gain control of his life. But then saying he's not an alcoholic. That blew it for me, that's the 1st sympton of being an alcoholic - having to go on the wagon to regain control of ones life. So either he's lying because he feels Americans won't elect a admitted alcoholic, or he can't accept the reality of being an alcoholic, which is useally the 1st pre-curser of an alcoholic taking up the drink again.


Senior member
Dec 19, 1999
Yes, that's how I see Bush. He's just a rich little kid riding on daddy's coat tails.


Oct 9, 1999
"I seek to restore the rule of law and respect for common sense to the White House." ..."Americans in every region and in both political parties have been shaken by the betrayal of public trust ... and the dishonesty of public officials." ... "Any government official who ... lies to the United States Congress will be fired immediately."
---Albert Gore, the Seattle Times, June 29, 1987.

"(Clinton) will be regarded in the history books as one of our greatest presidents."
Albert Gore, White House Post-Impeachment Love-In at the Rose Garden, December 19, 1998.


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000
I'm afraid Gore scores no higher. Last year he did a photo op at an elementary school in a poor part of a southern city. Gore made really stupid statements like, "Gee kids, isn't it a shame your government didn't provide you with money to buy the books you need?" Umm, Mr. Gore sir, you are that government. Idiocy. That display of an utter lack of regard for the underpriviledged really turned me off. He's out of touch with everyone except the rich (but yes I'll admit he can fake concern almost as well as Clinton).


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Since I did not see it, I can make no real comment.

Gore in Vietnam.....Al wanted to go to Canada! Dad said it would ruin his political career. Go to Nam, and Daddy will see to it you are OK. He went, threats to COs about letting anything happen to him. Al Gore even has the audacity to claim he saw Combat after he heard shots in the distance....

Bet THAT wasn't covered on the 'Documentary!'