Random Variable Lifer Aug 10, 2001 10,420 2 0 Feb 12, 2002 #1 The one thing about Jewish delicatessens is that they give you very large portions.
M mchammer187 Diamond Member Nov 26, 2000 9,114 0 76 Feb 12, 2002 #2 i just finished a quart of chicken fried rice very filling for 5.50 + tip
X xero940 Banned Jan 6, 2002 692 0 0 Feb 12, 2002 #3 << i just finished a quart of chicken fried rice very filling for 5.50 + tip >> G*ddamn! That is WAY too much fried rice for one man's heart to support...can I have your comp when you DIE?
<< i just finished a quart of chicken fried rice very filling for 5.50 + tip >> G*ddamn! That is WAY too much fried rice for one man's heart to support...can I have your comp when you DIE?
G gopunk Lifer Jul 7, 2001 29,239 2 0 Feb 12, 2002 #4 i just had a full slab of blue ridge smokey ribs
X xero940 Banned Jan 6, 2002 692 0 0 Feb 12, 2002 #5 << i just had a full slab of blue ridge smokey ribs >> See, now THERE'S healthy eating
M mchammer187 Diamond Member Nov 26, 2000 9,114 0 76 Feb 12, 2002 #8 << << i just finished a quart of chicken fried rice very filling for 5.50 + tip >> G*ddamn! That is WAY too much fried rice for one man's heart to support...can I have your comp when you DIE? >> you'll be the first to know when i die
<< << i just finished a quart of chicken fried rice very filling for 5.50 + tip >> G*ddamn! That is WAY too much fried rice for one man's heart to support...can I have your comp when you DIE? >> you'll be the first to know when i die
Random Variable Lifer Aug 10, 2001 10,420 2 0 Feb 12, 2002 #9 << What exactly is 'kreplach'? >> it's like a dumpling filled with meat
D duke Golden Member Nov 22, 1999 1,240 0 0 Feb 12, 2002 #10 << << What exactly is 'kreplach'? >> it's like a dumpling filled with meat >> Isn't that a word in the Klingon dictionary?
<< << What exactly is 'kreplach'? >> it's like a dumpling filled with meat >> Isn't that a word in the Klingon dictionary?
P PsychoAndy Lifer Dec 31, 2000 10,735 0 0 Feb 12, 2002 #11 wasnt it also featured in a seinfeld episode?