Mai72 Lifer Sep 12, 2012 11,562 1,741 126 Apr 1, 2014 #2 Haha.. That's an April fools joke here. Why? Because nobody gets laid!
waggy No Lifer Dec 14, 2000 68,143 10 81 Apr 1, 2014 #7 lol and another topic we will never seen posted by some....
BoomerD No Lifer Feb 26, 2006 65,107 13,388 146 Apr 1, 2014 #8 Your April Fools joke was a fail...Why? Because to be successful, it has to be something that's actually plausible...
Your April Fools joke was a fail...Why? Because to be successful, it has to be something that's actually plausible...
poofyhairguy Lifer Nov 20, 2005 14,612 318 126 Apr 1, 2014 #9 BoomerD said: Your April Fools joke was a fail...Why? Because to be successful, it has to be something that's actually plausible... Click to expand... Actually, someone running over here after the first time they paid for sex seems plausible.
BoomerD said: Your April Fools joke was a fail...Why? Because to be successful, it has to be something that's actually plausible... Click to expand... Actually, someone running over here after the first time they paid for sex seems plausible.