I have HyperX and Corsair, what do I keep/sell for new Nforce2?


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2000
Hey all. Currently have 8K3A+ with 2x512 HyperX PC3000, also have a stick of 512MB Corsair XMS-3200C2 that I was looking to sell.

I am going to be upgrading to an Abit NF7-S Rev 2.0 and was wondering what Ram I should keep and sell. Keep the PC3000 and have Dual-Channel, or stay with the single XMS-3200C2 for a higher Overclock?

I am looking to also get a nice JIUHB 1700+ to play around with along with my current AIUHB 2100+.

What to do, What to do.

Please keep in mind that I am not looking to set records here. If the HyperX can hit 200FSB stable, Then I will keep it ;)


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2000
you'll want to run dual-channel, no question about that;). sell the HyperX and fetch yourself another XMS stick, or sell it all and get a pair of matched XMS3200LL sticks; I doubt you'll hit 200fsb with the HyperX in dual-channel mode, even more doubtful that you'll be getting aggressive timings. another option might be to get a pair of TwinMOS PC3200 sticks with Winbond chips on it, it's pretty inexpensive and the AMD guys are all over it with some pretty amazing results (210fsb+):).