I have a quick question about cooling


Senior member
Feb 18, 2003
lol...long title

I was curious how cool should a Lian Li PC65B should remain? I am very unclear because it seems whenever I turn my computer on, the computer seems to heat it 1-3°F.
My system Specs are AMD 3000+ - 7900GT - + 1gig PQI turbo somethin' - OCZ520 with a total of 4 Case fans including a large ZALMAN CNPS7000 (forgot which number).

I have an "ASUS PROBE"..lol. that reads my temps and current with the sliding case window on are: MB - 38°F CPU - 41-42°F

Do you think it would help if the sliding case window door thingy was off?? Or keep it on?? Any other help would be greatly appreciated. I also live in S. Cali so it gets relatively hot here during the summers..



Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2004
Computer temperature readings are almost never in Fahrenheit. Your mobo is reading in Celsius. Your CPU is pretty hot for a A64 3000+. What kind of cooler do you have on that?


Senior member
Feb 18, 2003
It is a Zalman CNPS, I forgot which number but it is in the 7000 series...

Sorry, I was reading it wrong it is in °C, my mistake. So yes, idling with light internet browsing around 34°C with a MB temp of 38°C with the case door completely off.

Keeping the window door of my case off decreases temperatues by 5-8°C

Is there anything else I can do? I have spray dusters that I use to keep it clean inside, I am also blowing a medium size room fan about 28in. in diameter towards my computer to see if that will help any.