I have a question about compact fluoresent bulbs...


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
I know this friend who works as a service engineer at a local major chain hotel and he says that these compact bulbs were design to be running at a base down and bulb standing up. He then tells me that they also make bulbs that were designed to run the opposite way. I never heard of this but my compact bulbs seems to burn out fast....

Is my friend making fun of me or is he telling the truth?


Super Moderator | Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Some are position specific, yes.. But I'm sure that almost all of them are universal....

Strange that your bulbs are burning out before their rated life though.... what other kind of stresses do they see?

I've had bulbs "burn out" before their rated life, but it was due to a circuit failure, not necessarily the bulb being burned out......


Oct 12, 1999
I've been using these bulbs since 2000 and have lost only one. The failed one was enclosed on a ceiling fixture which I have been told is a no no. I replaced it with a regular bulb.


Oct 9, 1999
I've been running my generic compact flourescent bulbs on my outside fixtures for over a year now. Both of them have the base at the top and I've experienced no issues at all with performance. In fact, the compact flourescent bulbs last way longer than the incandecent bulbs would - as they would fail every 6 weeks or so.



No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
have an ikea one outside as a porch light. a no no i guess. its working still:p
enclosed? its fine unless u put it in an enclosure that is rated for less then the cf pulls, which would be rather sad.


Super Moderator | Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
No, the issue with enclosed fixtures is that the bulb overheats. They're more sensitive to heat than a normal incandescent since the starter circuitry is built into the little bubble at the base of the bulb.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I've put them in every position possible without problems. I even have 3 in the refridgerator. 2 in the fridge and 1 in the freezer. The freezer one is dimmer but its bright enough to see everything in there perfectly well. Turns out low temps cause them to dim but I've had them in there for years and they haven't burned out or anything. I can't remember how many years they've been in there though, I put them in and forgot about them.

I have one in a ceiling fan which shakes a bit also with no problems, guess I must just be lucky with them or something.

The only light that burned out prematurely I've ever owned was the ceiling fixture in my room because it was used so often, always flicking it on and off, it's a circular electronic ballast fluorescent. It lasted for a few years also but not the rated amount which I think was 15 yers or some such, I think it only lasted about 3 or 4 years.

Perhaps a surge or something similar would be more detrimental to it or wide temperature swings that may cause the seals in the bulb to wear faster? Just guessing not sure what causes premature failure.

I have other circular fluorescents with no problems that lasted much longer than the one in this room so maybe its just a defective one or it was on during a power surge that the other weren't subjected to or just cause it's in use more. Anyway after replacing the bulb it's been working for a couple of years now so if it goes again at year 3 or 4 I'll probably replace the whole unit instead of just the bulb next time in case the ballast is the cause. I'll probably stick a surge suppressor inline on it too to hopefully deter future premature burnouts.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I've had 3 Lights of America bulbs burn out in the metal enclosed ceiling fan bulb holders. They all burned out before 1 years usage. The GE bulbs have held up fine for 2 years in the same spot. Think it depends on the quality of the bulb to some extent.

Now my rant is why can't the rest of the country get the cheap bulbs the people in California get? :p


Dec 4, 2001
i have some GE bulbs that have a couple years of use ranging from table lamps to reading lamps to outdoor porch lamps, installed at all angles, and none of them have died yet.

so maybe angle can affect it, but I haven't personally experienced that.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Engineer
I've had 3 Lights of America bulbs burn out in the metal enclosed ceiling fan bulb holders. They all burned out before 1 years usage. The GE bulbs have held up fine for 2 years in the same spot. Think it depends on the quality of the bulb to some extent.

Now my rant is why can't the rest of the country get the cheap bulbs the people in California get? :p

no ikea?