I had a dream that Obama OK'd action on Nkorea

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Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2008
Was a late night live speech, very stirring. Basically saying that whatever he does, he has made the wrong decision, it's a lose lose scenario without an opportunity, where he's had to weigh evils and choose the lesser one.

Then he ended the great speech by getting all flustered and saying, "Uhhhhh.....I've decided Uhhhhhhhhh.... To uhhhhhh (unintelligible)"

And everyone was like, wtf did he just say? Oh he just said we are going to OK Military action against Nkorea.

Then, since I always think my dreams are real, was like Ahhhh finally, I wonder if it was the fact they are so close to weaponizing nukes? Damn, this is for real. This feels bigger then when Bush gave the ultimatum to Iraq. Damn this is going to get big. Makes sense now with the whole b52 flyover yesterday.

Then I woke up.

I don't feel that this latest tantrum by Nkorea is really much different then what Kim Jong Il has done in the past, I don't expect anything different. I don't think the US is going to change it's position, but I can't speak the same for South Korea.

I believe Kim Jong Un has a better view of the modern world then his father. He's lived in modern areas, so he knows that his country is a pile of shit. NKorea will only have a more complex way of outputing old ideas. I wonder if other countries are simply getting tired of these old ideas or if we are interpreting them differently.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2012
We ain't dropping bombs on Best Korea unless China decides they don't want to be friends with them anymore.

idk....maybe we should start developing a zombie virus, or infect their air with killer rabies and then they can eat each other.


Jun 23, 2005
China cares about nothing more than the perception of their country as a respectable "super power" on the international stage. When North Korea has become the laughing stock of the world, their friendship will become more and more untenable.
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