J jthsmak Senior member Jul 5, 2001 732 0 0 Sep 16, 2001 #1 The above is not repersentive of the damage on these cases
K Kelvrick Lifer Feb 14, 2001 18,422 5 81 Sep 17, 2001 #6 << UPS strikes again...muhahahahahah! >> LOL!!
G Geforcekj Banned Apr 19, 2001 1,260 0 0 Sep 17, 2001 #7 that place is such a hole, I bought a high speed sunon (50cfm) there, it's the only B&M in Vancouver that sells obscure overclocking stuff... They make some wicked custom cases....
that place is such a hole, I bought a high speed sunon (50cfm) there, it's the only B&M in Vancouver that sells obscure overclocking stuff... They make some wicked custom cases....
I isekii Lifer Mar 16, 2001 28,578 3 81 Sep 17, 2001 #8 << << UPS strikes again...muhahahahahah! >> LOL!! >> One of my In-Win Q500 Came similarly like that via UPS.. I sold it on ebay.. in that condition.. some guy bought it and told me he hammered it back to it's shape
<< << UPS strikes again...muhahahahahah! >> LOL!! >> One of my In-Win Q500 Came similarly like that via UPS.. I sold it on ebay.. in that condition.. some guy bought it and told me he hammered it back to it's shape
BrunoPuntzJones Lifer Feb 24, 2001 14,513 4 81 Sep 17, 2001 #9 << Here is where we will post any returned cases, or damaged cases canceled orders etc. >> yeah lol, that's the one i want to order
<< Here is where we will post any returned cases, or damaged cases canceled orders etc. >> yeah lol, that's the one i want to order
N notfred Lifer Feb 12, 2001 38,241 4 0 Sep 17, 2001 #10 << that place is such a hole >> Is a hole a good thing or a bad thing?
G Geforcekj Banned Apr 19, 2001 1,260 0 0 Sep 17, 2001 #11 << << that place is such a hole >> Is a hole a good thing or a bad thing? >> a hole is bad...I always thought
<< << that place is such a hole >> Is a hole a good thing or a bad thing? >> a hole is bad...I always thought
A Androck99 Senior member Jun 17, 2000 599 0 71 Sep 17, 2001 #12 Yeah, exactly what kind of "Hole" is this place?