I got linux running, and Beos, CAN SOME ONE HELp WITH DRIVERS?


Aug 31, 2000
how do i get drivers for my udma 66 highpoint controller for these os's, any suggestions? or could some one tell me how i might be able to write drivers, or can i use the win 98se drivers? or could I change those to be what i need. . it's the highpoint 366, a very popular controller, i refuse to believ no one else has tried to use that controller with those os's, the linux im using is caldera 4.0, pretty nice, kde. the beos is 4.0. couldnt get either to install, then i pulled my hd off the highpoint and slipped it onto the normal udma 33's of my soyo 6ba +IV, but i really don't want to have to physically switch the cables to run those os's. any one have any suggestions?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I'm not sure if the linux kernel has support for the highpoint controller. If it does, you'll have to do one of the following:

1) Re-compile the kernel with support for the highpoint controller

2) Compile and configure a module with support for the highpoint controller

Linux Newbie
This link might help...you better familiarize yourself with re-compiling the kernel and dealing with modules. It's very intimidating at first but it's really no big deal, and you'll have to do it everytime you want to upgrade anyway.