How do you know it's Amateur Radio Band (HAM) ?
It might be CB band, or some other RF generating device? Can you actually hear anything or is it just interference?
If you can get call sign or if they CQ at a certain time daily, I might be able to help. PM me if you want.
My dad is wayyy into that stuff.
Joe Walsh is a HAM. WB6ACU
Lots of people are HAMs. I've been able to collect flags from around the world with my association with HAM radio. Dad had a passing association with the late King Hussein of Jordan because of HAM radio.
HAM radio is a lot like Forum/AIM/ICQ/Chatroom on the Internet. There are "off topic", random conversational banter "groups" and ones with specific purposes, such as collecting "contacts" with someone in every county of the US. You know, the kind of stuff engineers' right brains think up....
. HAM radio operators are often the interlink with land phone lines in the case of an emergency. On some of the backcountry races, HAM radio is the only way you can transmit out of the areas when you need the air ambulance. The radio repeater networks that exist now are quite remarkable. Some of these guys xmitting digital packets via Amateur Radio,
for fun
Geeks are geeks, dude.....
We had a strange old lady who lived across the street from us when I was a kid (North Highlands, BTW
). My dad would work in the garage in a white lab coat and this old gal used to rant
in the street that we were shooting
lightning bolts :Q through her living room.
I guess the fact dad had a 50 ft Beam antenna in the backyard and a garage full of radio and Air Force Surplus Test gear might've started her imagination up.
If it is a HAM, they should be advised as they are "leaking" and should come into compliance. Look for a large antenna in the neighborhood. You usually can't miss 'em....