Asus a8n-e
Antec P150
Nec 3550+nec floppy
seagate 7200.8 250gb
ocz 2x1gb platinum
a64 3200 (i'm trying to fight the urge of buying the 165 dual core opteron...)
connect3d x800gto
zalman nb47j
zalman 80mm fan+bracket over the chipset hs
2x nexus 92mm real silent case fans
the total comes to $1100. the ONE thing i'm concerned about is whether my asus a8n-e will be a decent overclocker...people say yes. good/bad? tell me!
Antec P150
Nec 3550+nec floppy
seagate 7200.8 250gb
ocz 2x1gb platinum
a64 3200 (i'm trying to fight the urge of buying the 165 dual core opteron...)
connect3d x800gto
zalman nb47j
zalman 80mm fan+bracket over the chipset hs
2x nexus 92mm real silent case fans
the total comes to $1100. the ONE thing i'm concerned about is whether my asus a8n-e will be a decent overclocker...people say yes. good/bad? tell me!