Shut up trident.
Why do people compare me to TridenT? I don't constantly whine and moan so can you give me an example of how I am like TridenT?
Why do people compare me to TridenT? I don't constantly whine and moan so can you give me an example of how I am like TridenT?
Shut up trident.
You use ATOT as a blog like trident does.
I want you inside of me
You and the OP need to get a OP is nothing like TridenT.
TridenT hates people and himself. OP is not even a troll.
While your post in this thread supposedly may not imply that you have sexual interest in underage males, this post EXPLICITLY states that you do. Checkmate?
blog/attention whoring.You and the OP need to get a room.
But mostly the OP is just an attention whore.
Joseph F is more L0cot0s (or however that guy spells it) than TridenT. He has a sweet, innocent disposition in his postings that drives internet rapists crazy.
So basically you are confirming that you want to get a room?blog/attention whoring.
so what?
might as well say he is just another schneiderguy or rudeguy or whatever.
no way he is like TridenT.
So basically you are confirming that you want to get a room?