I don't know if you folks are aware of this but....


Junior Member
Jul 11, 2002
Berkeley has broken the Stat Reporting feature that many SETI Stat Programs rely on.

Seti Spy, SetiCacheSpy, SetiTeam and possibly other less widely known programs were renendered
useless by their decision to move to FCGI scripts instead of plain old CGI.

Berkeley S@H Administration has this to say about the switch.....

The user stats cgis have been moved to fastCGI.
The old URLs (using cgi instead of fastcgi) now load a page with the
correct link.

The problem, as many of you know, is that we've had webserver load
issues intermittently in the past. Our website generates over 1,500,000
hits per day (which we greatly appreciate and wish to maintain, don't get
us wrong! :) ), and there are a number of database access functions that
comprise the majority of the load.

Server load is THE reason why we haven't yet been able to re-activate our
"view your last 10 results" feature (though we're working toward our goal
of reactivation).

FastCGI helps decrease the load tremendously, but unfortunately many
users (apparently all users using SETISpy, which grieves me greatly,
since your message states that SETISpy is no longer being maintained)
still use the old non-fast CGI links. (Also, by the way, we've noticed that a
number of users and team founders try to retrieve stats from our site
MULTIPLE TIMES PER SECOND, which seems unnecessary & hurts our
load. We'd love it if people could hit at a reasonable rate of once per 15
minutes or so.....)

In any case, I'll mention to the powers-that-be that SETISpy is forever
yoked to non-fastCGI. Unfortunate news!!

Thanks for alerting us,

SAH Administration

Even though I am a PROUD member of Broadbandreports.com SETI Team StarFire, in the interests of Community, I decided to break ranks and come here to alert all of you. This is more than a 'team-team' problem, but a problem that strikes at all SETI crunchers wherever they may be.

Send a message to the link below and tell them how you feel!!! the more who complain the faster they will find a solution!!
:(S@H Complaint Forum


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
Thanks for sharing the info, SandmanLogan5. This is going to cause violent trembling, profuse sweating and other withdrawal symptoms among many SETI@Home fans! I predict that Carolyn's Clinic will be swamped with new patients... :Q

But seriously, I hope they relent. We need STATS! :Q


Diamond Member
Oct 21, 1999
Thanks for the info Guys :)

Especially Roeluf :D:D:D

Your software is simply amazing, and beeing without SetiSpy stats is like a junkie without junk ;)


Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2000
I don't see what the problem is. Won't the stats pages be faster and more reliable now?:confused: Can't updates fix it so these programs can work again or am I wrong here?:confused:
May 31, 2001
This is your brain: :confused:

This is your brain on Stats: :D

This is your brain after it has been deprived of Stats: :(

This is your brain realizing that Berkeley has done it again: :disgust:

Any questions?


Junior Member
Jul 11, 2002
Said by Baldy:

I don't see what the problem is. Won't the stats pages be faster and more reliable now? Can't updates fix it so these programs can work again or am I wrong here?

Problem is, alot (not all) of the currently in use stat programs are not being regularly updated OR the author has moved on to other things and is NOT updating them any longer.

In the Case of SETI Spy, Roelof has been nice enough to "come out of retirement" as it were and offer to update SETI Spy ONLY if Berkeley decides to stick with their decision. Even he has urged them to reconsider their current course of action.

If only it were that simple Baldy, this would be a non-issue. As it stands now, not only the small "end-user" stat programs are affected, but also any TEAM Stats as well that use the CGI Script Calls vs. FCGI ones......

This CAN be eventually fixed, but what then? As soon as everyone who can adjusts their programs, and Berkeley get's another huge bandwidth spike again from all the millions of stat counters updating all the time, you can bet they're gonna pull the freaking plug again, and change it to something else that will kill the counters.

Damned if we do and damned if we do nothing.... :(

Past behaviour on Berkeley's part will bear this out.....


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Baldy18
I don't see what the problem is. Won't the stats pages be faster and more reliable now?:confused: Can't updates fix it so these programs can work again or am I wrong here?:confused:

Updates COULD fix the problem, however a number of the programmers who wrote the add-on software such as SETISPY have stated that they are no longer able to maintain their software.

This means NO updates, unless they make the source available and another programmer(s) step up and modify the code.

I can understand SETI's position, but this is a MAJOR impact to the SETI community, especially those who like stats. :(


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
What does Seti@Work - TeAm Anandtech use? That's my favorite stats page because it shows the entire team with 7 days of daily totals and a weekly average. Quick, easy to read, and very info-packed. :) Also cool to be able to input your SetiID and see the estimated days 'till you pass or are passed by other members.


Apr 23, 2000
They wanna decrease the load on their servers?!? All they need to do is DELETE every account with ZERO results in their precious database and they'll easily clean out a full THIRD of the records!!!!

As a test, go ahead and try it: Set yourself up a new account and crunch just ONE work unit - when it's completed and returned, you'll already be ahead of 1/3 of the "users" in the database. :disgust:

Remember: Stats are only as good as the information they're based on. ;)