We all know that Ted Turner is a complete social leftist, but he seems to have passed Norman Mailer.
He said the attacks were an act of desperation, and that Americans lack an understanding of a willingness to die for one's country. "I think they were brave at the very least," Turner said of the 19 airliner hijackers believed to have committed the attacks, adding that they "might have been a little nuts."
Turner, in a lecture at Brown University, also compared President Bush to Julius Caesar.
Washington Post
He said the attacks were an act of desperation, and that Americans lack an understanding of a willingness to die for one's country. "I think they were brave at the very least," Turner said of the 19 airliner hijackers believed to have committed the attacks, adding that they "might have been a little nuts."
Turner, in a lecture at Brown University, also compared President Bush to Julius Caesar.
Washington Post