I'm tired of both sides making stupid ignorant posts/threads, we have the internet to thank for that.
I wish people could discuss things rationally ...
Democrats and Republicans don't hate America (as some want you to believe); they just have different ways of dealing with problems, but they have the same goals, a prosperous, safe America.
The problem arises with them getting elected, and the American people are so gullible that they believe these crazy false ads (by BOTH moveon and swiftboat veterans). If those ads didn't work, they would no longer be used. Throw in the problem of funding for these ads, and that's where the special interest groups make their appearance. They are responsible for a lot of contributions, and thus, politicians have to cater to them in order to be elected. For this reason, I respect Arnold a helluva lot. He has enough money where he doesn't need special interest money (he has turned away 6 figure checks). We need more politicians like this, but it's difficult because how are you going to raise 200 million dollars?
I don't know what the solution to the problem is, but I'm sick and tired of both camps parading on these forums with posts like "I told you so, swiftboat veterans are liars" (I do think they are liars, but stop being such assh*les in pointing it out.