Originally posted by: xtknight
This? Did you specify the correct FireFox install directory in the installer?
On a side note how do you like Fedora Core 5 test 2? Is it different from 4 any?
/home/linuxator/.mozilla/plugins :
Looks fine to me, (note flash is not working in neither Firefox nor Mozilla)
About the second question, a lot of mixed feelings really, in reality I don't like beta testing a distro I like up untill late development stages, because bugs in it makes you hate your favorite distro, that's why I just test distros I am not familiar with.
Anyways, you know from the other thread that I have upgraded to Fedora Core 5 because I had to (an issue with my SATA controller with Fedora Core 4) you won't believe how I got things to work ! (read my last post in there to find out).
About Fedora Core 5 test 2 4.92 :
The good :
- YUM got a decent update, now there are features in it that all Fedora Core 4 users would sure henjoy having (finally!), features like Queues, now you can finally select packages to install, update , remove and do all of that in one click that way you don't have to waste time waiting for each type of operation to get done.
- Eye candy, nicer default interface , gdm, boot splash...etc
- System wise, ny entire hardware got detectred and the installation went smoothly.
- An enhanced anaconda interface, looks more classy and will feel a bit strange the first time you use it.
- A lot of new services have been added , such as readahead, and avahi plus many more.
- Tabs are transparent and will fit right in no matter what color your taskbar is.
For the bad part most of the stuff are development bugs, but some are design flaws too
The bad :
- Now all RPM's require a ported GPG-key to install (not sure if this is a bug or a default feature) and it doesn't matter where you are installing it from (w=either it's local or non-local)
- I can't install RPMs that are not part of a repos unless you get the GPG key to install, including release rpms, I have added livna and fresh rpms to my yum.repos file and still no go.
- For some crazy reason they have removed the directory adress bar from the file browser !! Why would they do that ? Now you have tabs for directories. I would like to see the file location bar instead. I like to type where I want to go, and it's more helpful for hidden files .
- They have changed the location of a lot of items in the main menu, for example System monitor is now in System Adminstration, instead of it's old position in System Tools, just a matter of habit TBH, and so are many other options that have been moved around.
- Obviously flash and java aren't working in Firefox /Mozilla.
- gnome-power-manager gives me an error message at startup.
- udev gives an error upon startup, "Cannon't creat device tt1,........tty2,tty3 etc
- Applications such as BMP and XMMS have a problem using ALSA, but not OSS for sound output .
I am discovering more stuff everyday, so we will see what more I can dig out, this is what i can remember out of the top of my head ATM.