I can't get abit kt7a stable...


Mar 3, 2001
I just installed a new kt7a, with some new pc133 mosel and my 900 tbird, I've read every thread and read some tweaking articles..I can't get this thing running stable, it locks up like crazy. right now I'm at 144x7, anything higher will post but will not load windows, x8 will not even post at 133 fsb, I used to get this chip to max at 1050 100x10.5 with my a7v, now I can't even get that with this board, I get a non system disk error when the multiplier is to high, I tried to re-pencil the bridges serveral times, I flashed the bios, removed my pci devices, played with every tweaking bios option, reformatted my drive , I even swapped out my ram to crucial 133 cas2.. I'm at a loss.. any ideas?


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2001
And what is your core voltage at? and what setting are you trying to run your memory at? 4k page 4x interleave and what speed? Need more data!!!
More data must be assimilated. And are you running your memory bus at Host or Host + PCI?


Mar 3, 2001
I tried a few diff settings for vcore, 1.75, 1.80 I use mostly 1.85..my temps are fine 29c idle and 43 under max load,, I'm using arctic silver2 and fop38, plenty of case cooling.. all the settings are maxed out... fast cpu command decode-fast, cpu drive strength-2,enhance chip perf-enable, force 4way interleave-enable, enable dram 4k-enable, dram clock- host clk

advanced chipset- dram interleave-4 way, delay dram-auto, drive strength-hi, cycle length-2, so far I was stable over night at 144x7 1.85, but I gurantee if I tried to restart, I'll come up with an error while rebooting..
thanks for the replies...


Jun 17, 2000
I have a 1.2ghz tbird and abit kt7a raid, and run my tbird at 1.2 with 9x133 to get 133FSB and its rock stable for me!


Dec 13, 1999
Have you thought about the possibility that just because someone else was able to get his to run higher than 144mhz, you might not be able to do so ???

"May the force be with you... you'll need it."


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2001
First off try disabling your fast cpu decode, and take off all memory enhancements. Start off with stable as can be system. Push your fsb using these settings til it gets flakey, but try to keep the multiplier so that the overall speed stays close to original 900. This will give you an idea about your memory's capability. Sounds like you have two different sticks, test it out with both. But remove any unneeded and older PCI cards cuz your PCI bus is gonna be one of your real limiting factors. Stabilize your system at as high an FSB here. This should be your max setting for your memory/processor combo. I hear of fsb speeds of 155-160 but usually not any higher. Most people cant get much of a gain out of high fsb speed, but you get the gain in memory performance.
I don't think at those speeds your advanced memory tools like 4k and 4x interleave with function. Nor do i think fast decode works that high. Chip timing goes south. My personal choice is more speed, so I would only take my bus to like 133 with as big a multiplier as what stays stable, that way I can use my built in memory enhancements and still get the speed I want and I don't have to worry about the shape of my pci cards cuz most of them aren't designed for increased bus speed (overclocked). Well good luck and my the overclock be with you!!