I can't decide! 970 vs 390 vs PS4

Should I get a 970, 390 or a PS4?

  • R9 390

  • GTX 970

  • Playstation 4

  • Wait it out

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Senior member
Jan 1, 2002
Hi all, I am having such a DIFFICULT time deciding on which of the two I should get. I have been constantly rambling to myself for MONTHS on whether if I should get the 970 or the 390. And now with Black Friday finally here (Cyber Monday soon to come also) and a price drop just announced by Nvidia, I feel that its a good time now to buy a GPU now. However I am still undecided on whether to stick with the 970 or 390.

Here's the thing, I know the 390 is near to the 970s performance depending on the game, however the thing I'm worried about on the 970 is the whole 3.5 GB (and the other .5 being slower) of vram dilemma that I'm sure many of you know about. And the thing I'm worried about with AMD is the usual power consumption problems that AMD has on their cards along with some Nvidia optimized games. I won't be OCing anything and will be gaming at 1080p.

I am also keeping my eyes open on the PS4, all three products are now about the same price ($299) but I only have enough for one of them. Any help on deciding which of the three I should get would be appreciated. Also if you feel that I shouldn't get ANYTHING and just wait for the next Nvidia and AMD GPUs to come out (probably next year) feel free to say that also! Thanks again!

EDIT: I added a poll, thanks again!
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Golden Member
Jul 7, 2013
Honestly, I'd say the PS4 is the best choice. Some games just work a lot better on that platform such as CoD BLOPS 3 or SW: Battlefront. Those type of arcade games. There are also a lot more players on console than on PC and typically fewer hackers. The downside is lower graphical fidelity and more expensive games.

Some type of games I just prefer on PC, however, such as RTS games, MMOs and tactical shooters like Rainbow Six or even Battlefield.

I have both a good PC and a PS4 and I'm enjoying both, since they both serve different needs. I've never bought into the "platform wars" BS, all kinds of fanboying is just laughable. A PS4 would fill an immediate niche and you can probably still count on around 4 more years as the focus platform and an extra 2 of service support. (I'm guessing end of 2018 is the earliest we'll see the next console and typically the launch games are underwhelming each generation so an extra year or two is needed for maturity).
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Nov 4, 2015
I recently went from an HD 7850 to a R9 390 myself and it was worth every penny. In fact, why would you get a console with a GPU that's marginally (if any) more powerful that the GPU you have now?

Personally, I probably also will get a PS4 when the FF VII remake drops but that's a long way off.


Nov 14, 2011
PS4 will let you play exclusives that you won't get otherwise. A new GPU will let you play the exact same games you currently do, but at slightly higher settings.


Golden Member
Sep 17, 2000
Your HD 7850 2GB already has PS4 console-level performance. It also is acceptable enough to wait for the next generation of graphics cards if you do not find any good deals on Black Friday or on Cyber Monday.


Senior member
Jan 3, 2013
Well, In your post I see no real reason to consider a ps4 other than it has caught your eye pricewise. Also I can only assume you are looking for an gpu upgrade due to less than desirable performamce on the pc. So if it were my option and I could only afford one, I would ask myself what direction is more important to me. Console or pc gpu upgrade...? If equal flip a coin. If pc gpu, again flip a coin.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2010
If you have $300 burning a hole in your pocket, I'd buy a PS4. Why? It gives you new capabilities. A graphics card would allow you to play the same games you can now - they would just run much, much better.

If you are dead set on a graphics card, I'd wait 6 months for news of next generation graphics cards. I think there will be quite a jump to the next generation. If you don't want to wait and don't want a PS4, then buy a 970.


Nov 14, 2011
Actually I would suggest an XBox One (stop laughing!). It has better/more exclusives.


Golden Member
Oct 28, 2010
Do what you want, but don't worry about the 3.5gb of memory on the 970. At 1080p you are not going to be anywhere close to that for some time to come. Also, the extra 4gb of the 390 is irrelevant.

Either card is fine. Just flip a coin. I can't comment on the PS4. I don't use consoles.

The ASUS Strix 970 @ 299 is a really deal though, imho...


Review here:


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Platinum Member
Sep 11, 2013
Do what you want, but don't worry about the 3.5gb of memory on the 970. At 1080p you are not going to be anywhere close to that for some time to come.

I love this myth so much. Open world console ports are pretty popular these days, and they can use that much. GTAV, Batman: Arkham Knight, and and AC: Syndicate to name a few. I don't see it getting better.


Golden Member
Oct 28, 2010
I love this myth so much. Open world console ports are pretty popular these days, and they can use that much. GTAV, Batman: Arkham Knight, and and AC: Syndicate to name a few. I don't see it getting better.

Only if you use Gameworks BS that unnecessarily inflates VRAM usage. There is no law saying the only way you are allowed to play is on max settings. I have AC:Syndicate and there is not much of an IQ advantage, if at all, having them enabled. I don't play GTAV because I am not 15, and Arkham Knight is broken...so I can't comment on those.

At 1080p, 3.5gb will be fine for some time to come (2 years or so - the expected lifetime of the card). Not at 1440p though, however. You may have full access to all 8gb on the 390, but the GPU can't take advantage of it all. So, it is more like 4gb vs 3.5gb. Either card is fine, but the sale on the ASUS 970 given the proven overclockability of the card makes it a very good buy atm.
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Elite Member
Apr 16, 2000
Unless you can't play the PC games you want with the PC you have now, PS4 would definitely be the choice.


Apr 11, 2010
I would say PS4, if not for the lack of games. They still have an anemic library for 2 years in and very likely most of their big games won't make it till late 2016 anyway. Unless they really have some exclusive you want currently, I would wait till next season of holiday sales to pick one up and maybe the price will be even lower by then. You also gotta add in the price for any games, which is likely going to be lots of money vs PC and PS+ subscription for anything online. So my vote is for 390 which will be a superior experience in the multitude of good third party games and PC games like Star Citizen if you're into that and go wild on PC Winter game sales
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Feb 19, 2009
Why go for consoles unless you specifically want the exclusive titles? Most big games are cross-platform and runs better, looks better on PC. Not to mention lower input lag, better latency and pixel timings on most monitors compared to tvs..

I'm probably biased since I don't game on consoles, I regretted wasting $$ on the Wii, it's so gimmick and worthless.


Golden Member
Jun 4, 2000
Your pc is already as powerful as a ps4. Seems like a ps4 would be a waste unless you have a lot of friends who are playing on it. My son bought an xbox one for the sole purpose of playing with some of his friends. Other than that he plays on the pc.


Elite Member
Sep 5, 2003
I am also keeping my eyes open on the PS4, all three products are now about the same price ($299) but I only have enough for one of them.

Ask yourself if the PS4 (or XB1) checks the right boxes for you? Was price the main reason why you haven't considered a current gen console or were there other reasons?

- Do you need a BluRay player?
- What specific games on PS4 interest you right now? For me personally, right now there are only 3-4 games I would buy a PS4 for: The Last of Us, Uncharted Collection, Infamous SS and Bloodborne. Everything else the PC does better for me right now.

What about you? For example, you might want to play online FPS games like COD with your friends or maybe you like to enjoy sports games on consoles? Only you can answer that.
- Would you enjoy gaming on a couch in front of the living room TV more than gaming on the PC? Is it possible to connect your PC to your living room TV?

Don't fall for the $300 price of PS4/XB1 alone because the true cost of console is not actually the hardware, but software and online gaming fees. If you plan to play online, you have to pay for PSN or XB Live. Most of the time, it's possible to find PC games cheaper both at launch and especially after launch. The more console games you purchase, the more expensive console gaming becomes.Your existing CPU will already provide superior gaming experience for all cross-platform titles on the PS4/XB1.

Don't forget that a 500GB PS4 could run out of HDD space rather quickly, further increasing the costs of owning a console.

Also if you feel that I shouldn't get ANYTHING and just wait for the next Nvidia and AMD GPUs to come out (probably next year) feel free to say that also! Thanks again!

Now onto the GPU. Are there games where your current 7850 struggles? There are always going to be GPUs that are faster in 2016, 2017, 2018. The longer you keep waiting, the more GPU you'll be able to purchase.

Having said that, if you plan on playing some of the more recent titles, then a GPU upgrade would help you a lot. You do not need to spend $300 on a 390/970.

Here are 3 good options:

GTX970 for $235
R9 390 for $220
R9 290 for $180
Each of these cards runs cool too so you do not need to worry about temperatures, etc.

If you go this route, it's cheaper than PS4 and leaves you more $ for some games or even set aside more $ towards another GPU upgrade in 2017-2018. The difference in performance between an after-market 290 ~ 290X, 390 (also ~ 290X) and 970 is very small.


If you go for the 290 for $180 (with AMEX), you have $120 left over towards a new GPU upgrade or picking up a PS4 in late 2016 when it have a lot more 1st party exclusives games worth buying and the price should drop closer to $249.99 around Black Friday.


I would pick an after-market 290 for $180 and spend $120 on PC games or put it aside towards a next gen GPU upgrade or towards a PS4 slim in 2016/early 2017 when it has enough games worth buying that you cannot play on the PC. If you manage to sell the NV game coupon with AC Syndicate/Rainbox 6 Seige for $20, that 970 could become just a $215-220 card which is a solid deal!

Why go for consoles unless you specifically want the exclusive titles? Most big games are cross-platform and runs better, looks better on PC.

Ya, I agree with this. In the 80s and 90s, a high-end PC cost thousands of dollars so consoles made a lot of sense. Consoles were also easier to use and didn't require patches over the Internet. Chances are XB2 and PS5 will be x86 again and that means backwards compatible with XB1/PS4. Right now the exclusive line-up on XB1 and PS4 is still sparse. The way I see it it would be better to play most games on the PC and just pick up XB1/PS4 for dirt cheap towards the end of their life when each has 20+ exclusives worth buying and those games will be cheap too. Alternatively, just buy a PS5/XB2 in 2019-2020 and you'll most likely get access to the entire PS4/XB2 exclusive library without needing to spend $300 on underpowered PS4/XB1.
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Diamond Member
May 13, 2008
If you are a casual or blockbuster shooter fan get the ps4 and enjoy.

I feel a lot of PC gamers pushed PC gaming on console folkls saying how much better it is, how steam sales save you money in the long run... (lol.... I can't believe people actually believe this it's so hilarious), etc.

PC gaming isn't cheap, it requires more VC upgrades to stay current than just having a console which doesn't change. If you simply want to just play fun games, a console is where it's at.

I've always held that PC gaming should be reserved for those who want to play lol/cs/dota2/mmos/etc. Those who can't stand console graphics. And those who want to competitive game.

If all you do is just play games, especially single player, and aren't huge on graphics, I have 0 idea what you're doing on PC. Sadly, that describes a lot of new PC gamers who just had PC gaming shoved down their throats on online forums/internet


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2010
I currently own all the consoles, and I'd still prefer PC. Outside of Bloodborne and Destiny the PS4 has been rather pathetic in my opinion.

I'd personally rather up grade something else in my house hold than buy a PS4 (if I didn't already have one). Consoles have become very disappointing. 2-3 generations ago they had a lovely exclusive catalog. Now, basically almost everything on console minus first party studios are getting a PC version. (And they're cheaper.)


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2013
I bought the PS3 when it came out, and barely used it. If you want to use a mouse and have much higher frames rates, the PC is for you.

You don't have to upgrade that often on a PC, just have to be willing not to play on the highest settings, and you'll still at least equal a console on IQ with much higher FPS.

Anyways, the choice really comes down to how you like to play. Only get a PS4 if you want to play on a console. If you don't, up grade your PC now and enjoy.


Memory & Storage, Graphics Cards Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 13, 2008
The mouse makes it so much easier to do anything, compared to a controller. Especially a good mouse.


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2000
I have a PC and Xbox One. I didn't buy a PS4 because there aren't really any good exclusive games on it. Sad but true. I picked up the Xbox One primarily for exclusives and co-op couch gaming with my girlfriend so we can play together. Co-op gaming on the couch is almost non-existant on PC and the Xbox One makes it very easy for us to play together. I've been very satisfied with my Xbox One so far. The newest Tomb Raider looks beautiful.

For a game on available on both platforms, I usually buy whatever is cheaper, though sometimes if a game is better suited for one platform, I'll buy it there instead. For example, Fallout 4 is a natural fit on the PC. But for a game like Titanfall or Call of Duty, it seems like a better fit for console since the online user base is larger.


Platinum Member
Aug 19, 2001
The PS4 essentially has a 7850. PS4 is 1152/32 Shaders/ROPs at 800MHz. 7850 is 1024/32 at 860MHz. PS4 has a bit more memory bandwidth though. However.... any reasonable overclock would ensure your current GPU is superior. Some 7850's can achieve near 50% overclock and certainly any will get well over a GHz.

Also, Digital Foundry usually shows that a 750 Ti matches a PS4. A 7850 usually beats a 750 Ti anyway. Let's not forget that with a terrible CPU that the PS4 cannot really compete with a comparable PC GPU for the most part.

Get a PS4 if you want to play PS4 console exclusives. Otherwise your PC will already provide that experience for multiplatform games. Remember that Battlefront on PS4 runs at 1600x900 on mostly High settings.
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Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2010
I have a PC and Xbox One. I didn't buy a PS4 because there aren't really any good exclusive games on it. Sad but true. I picked up the Xbox One primarily for exclusives and co-op couch gaming with my girlfriend so we can play together. Co-op gaming on the couch is almost non-existant on PC and the Xbox One makes it very easy for us to play together. I've been very satisfied with my Xbox One so far. The newest Tomb Raider looks beautiful.

For a game on available on both platforms, I usually buy whatever is cheaper, though sometimes if a game is better suited for one platform, I'll buy it there instead. For example, Fallout 4 is a natural fit on the PC. But for a game like Titanfall or Call of Duty, it seems like a better fit for console since the online user base is larger.

What? There are tons of couch CO-OP games on the PC. I'd argue right now outside of Wii/Wii U, PC has more couch CO-OP games than PS4+Xbone combined. They took out couch CO-OP from Halo 5 (which basically made the game useless to me since the GF and I played through MCC together.)

Pretty much every console game with couch CO-OP also supports it on PC. Only thing I'll give you is that, yes, it isn't as easy as consoles plug and play. But it's definitely there. Here is a good site if you are ever looking for games to play with the girlfriend (as someone who does a lot of CO-OPing with his significant other, it's very useful).


EDIT: I'd also like to add thanks to Emulators, we also enjoy games we played as kids together. :) Nothing beats a good session of original TMNT: Turtles in Time (with the awesome original soundtrack) then playing it with the person you love (even if they suck balls at it haha).


Golden Member
Jan 12, 2012
ps4 all the way even if you do just a moderate amount of console gaming.

this gen of gpus are just garbage imo.