Originally posted by: dug777
Originally posted by: Zebo
Pretty lame if you ask me.
To game you still need a real monitor, real keyboard, real mouse...getting close to a deaktop here.. Add the price premium of this stand alone external card you could probably get a CPU and mobo too.
Then there's the 7900GS limitation..pretty lame like 2 years old speeds.
Then you're still strapped down to slow laptop subsystem..mem..bus..disks etc hurting 7900GS experiance even further.
Do the math and you'll see you could get a good desptop and a cheap laptop for same price... (this is what most do BTW)..it's crazy to spend a lot on a basically unservicable laptop needed for gaming thesedays who will always be substandard to a desktop.
I'm glad to see that you've no room for innovation or manufacturers to think outside the box
No one has been able to tell be if you need an external monitor, as i understand it, it should recognise and use the card as if it were actually physically inside the lappy?
I think it's an excellent idea, and down the track i can't see why it wouldn't lead to being simply a PCI-E slot that is external to your lappy, allowing you to add whatever card you wanted.
All you'd really need for an excellent gaming machine would be a proper mouse, and who hasn't already got one of them lying around? Most decent lappy screens are more than adequate unless you're a 1337 super hardcore gamer, and i can't see why you wouldn;t be able to use a lappy keyboard (which on 17" models is more than big enough to mash WASD quite happily)...
Anyway, just my 2c