I am sick and tired of stupid Internet Explorer.. What do you use as an alternative? POLL to end all POLLs


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2001
Okay.. after MS successfully disabled my ability to control popup windows, disable install-on-demand, and use my goddamn back button, I have come to the conclusion that explorer is SUCK!

What should I use as an alternative?

I like Opera, but I ain't payin' for it or watching a stupid banner. Mozilla is too much like Netscape for me.. And Netscape is too much like Netscape because it seems to waste precious space that can be used for browsing.

I haven't tried Phoenix yet. I tried Konquerer.. but I am running Windows XP.

Basically, I want something with options that is small and fast. I don't need the ability to disable popups and stuff like that because I already use Proximitron.

If I don't have a browser on there that you use AS YOUR PRIMARY DEFAULT BROWSER, then lemme know.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
phoenix is like mozilla with different buttons.

i don't know which wasted space you're talking about.


Dec 27, 2001
mozilla is the best i have ever used...no complaints...what "space" does a browser take up?


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2001
I still use IE6 mainly...but when im feeling bored, i switch over to mozilla with the IE skin set of course. ;)


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 2000
Originally posted by: Atlantean
add internet explorer to your list. Thats what I use.

LOL. Internet Explorer is a nice option if you're considering switching from Internet Explorer.


Golden Member
Dec 5, 2002
Oh you have to download Phoenix. It is FAST, compact and it is very smooth to surf the internet on.

I haven't tried Mozilla to much but I know that there is very little that can be improved on Phoenix.

I believe Opera is a pretty heavy program, too bulky for my tastes, but it is the best alternative beyond Mozilla/Phoenix.

Say good-bye to pop-ups!


No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
I have IE. I block popups. I don't use Install On Demand. I use the back button.

I don't see how your problems with Windows and your (probably) crappy computer can make you blame IE.

Don't abuse Windows and expect it to work perfectly. If you abuse it, format and reinstall. If you don't abuse it, like I don't anymore, then you won't see these crazy problems like I used to see before I realized that I was the dumb fvck, not Microsoft.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2001
I have IE. I block popups. I don't use Install On Demand. I use the back button.

I don't see how your problems with Windows and your (probably) crappy computer can make you blame IE.

Don't abuse Windows and expect it to work perfectly. If you abuse it, format and reinstall. If you don't abuse it, like I don't anymore, then you won't see these crazy problems like I used to see before I realized that I was the dumb fvck, not Microsoft.

Well.. my computer is nice and stable. It never crashes. IE insists on giving me a stupid error message every time I hit the back button. For me, it is easier to move on to a better browser that never gives those errors than to blame myself and try to fix Microsoft's stupid problems.

Also, I would rather blame Microsoft than call myself a dumb fvck.


No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by: brxndxn
I have IE. I block popups. I don't use Install On Demand. I use the back button.

I don't see how your problems with Windows and your (probably) crappy computer can make you blame IE.

Don't abuse Windows and expect it to work perfectly. If you abuse it, format and reinstall. If you don't abuse it, like I don't anymore, then you won't see these crazy problems like I used to see before I realized that I was the dumb fvck, not Microsoft.

Well.. my computer is nice and stable. It never crashes. IE insists on giving me a stupid error message every time I hit the back button. For me, it is easier to move on to a better browser that never gives those errors than to blame myself and try to fix Microsoft's stupid problems.

Also, I would rather blame Microsoft than call myself a dumb fvck.

Well, if your computer "never crashes" but IE gives you an error every time you click the back button, don't you think it's possible that if it were Microsoft's fault, you'd be able to see the same error in everyone's "never crashes" computer? If your computer has a problem, don't immediately blame MS. If you choose to throw the blame around and be lazy instead of doing something about it like fixing the problem (which isn't MS's in this case), that's you choice.

If you can't see that something like this might be a simple system error, like most IT techs would, that's also your problem.


Oct 9, 1999
WTF is wrong with YOUR configuration? I've got four PCs here of various vintages and operating systems, all running IE just fine for years. When 90% of the computers are running IE, and most of those are having no problems at all, you have to ask yourself, "WTF am I doing wrong?" Well, any logical person would!


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2001
Originally posted by: ffmcobalt
Originally posted by: brxndxn
I have IE. I block popups. I don't use Install On Demand. I use the back button.

I don't see how your problems with Windows and your (probably) crappy computer can make you blame IE.

Don't abuse Windows and expect it to work perfectly. If you abuse it, format and reinstall. If you don't abuse it, like I don't anymore, then you won't see these crazy problems like I used to see before I realized that I was the dumb fvck, not Microsoft.

Well.. my computer is nice and stable. It never crashes. IE insists on giving me a stupid error message every time I hit the back button. For me, it is easier to move on to a better browser that never gives those errors than to blame myself and try to fix Microsoft's stupid problems.

Also, I would rather blame Microsoft than call myself a dumb fvck.

Well, if your computer "never crashes" but IE gives you an error every time you click the back button, don't you think it's possible that if it were Microsoft's fault, you'd be able to see the same error in everyone's "never crashes" computer? If your computer has a problem, don't immediately blame MS. If you choose to throw the blame around and be lazy instead of doing something about it like fixing the problem (which isn't MS's in this case), that's you choice.

If you can't see that something like this might be a simple system error, like most IT techs would, that's also your problem.

I think I'd have to take ffmcobalt's side on this one...
it's probably as easy as installing an update to fix it, or to format...something could have been mesed up over time (user error) but, oh well.

<---IE 5.5, no problems here


Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2001

I can't stand using anything else. Every so often I will hit some website that doesn't like it so I have to use IE and it just drives me nuts.