Until they get a true playoff system.
I rooted so hard for Nebraska to win the Big XII title game just because I want to see the BCS blown up.
I think a playoff system in Division I-A NCAA Football would be an awesome thing and bring true excitement to the game across the nation. I'm not greedy, I'll settle for a 6-8 team playoff for now if it doesn't leave any teams that have a shot at the title.
As it stands the bowl system is collusion amongst the "big name" teams against the ones in smaller conferences to keep them out of the money. A playoff would only grow the pie, but make it so the wealth is more evenly distributed.
Every other sport in every other division of the NCAA has a playoff system, but Division I-A (FBS) does not? Not to mention virtually every other sport on the planet.
Here is a great article I read arguing for a playoff and counterpoints to all the arguments against a playoff:
The BCS even set up propaganda sites because it knows it is bad:
Thus as a consumer the best way to voice my dissent is to vote with my dollar. This means no more watching games, no going to games, no following the sport, no buying merchandise, etc.
Who is with me? I would love those on both sides chime in.
College Football needs a Playoff System
I rooted so hard for Nebraska to win the Big XII title game just because I want to see the BCS blown up.
I think a playoff system in Division I-A NCAA Football would be an awesome thing and bring true excitement to the game across the nation. I'm not greedy, I'll settle for a 6-8 team playoff for now if it doesn't leave any teams that have a shot at the title.
As it stands the bowl system is collusion amongst the "big name" teams against the ones in smaller conferences to keep them out of the money. A playoff would only grow the pie, but make it so the wealth is more evenly distributed.
Every other sport in every other division of the NCAA has a playoff system, but Division I-A (FBS) does not? Not to mention virtually every other sport on the planet.
Here is a great article I read arguing for a playoff and counterpoints to all the arguments against a playoff:
The BCS even set up propaganda sites because it knows it is bad:
Thus as a consumer the best way to voice my dissent is to vote with my dollar. This means no more watching games, no going to games, no following the sport, no buying merchandise, etc.
Who is with me? I would love those on both sides chime in.
College Football needs a Playoff System