Found this at;
Humble Bundle is at it again. This time, there are 4 games, and "Android Versions included as well"...
Beat Hazard Ultra
Dynamite Jack
Solar 2
NightSky HD
And, if you pay more than the average ($6.64 as of this time) you'll get two more games;
Dungeon Defenders +all DLC
Super Hexagon.
In addition, you get the soundtracks for Beat Hazard Ultra, Solar 2, NightSky HD (plus Dungeon Defenders and Super Hexagon if you pay more than the average)
Humble Bundle is at it again. This time, there are 4 games, and "Android Versions included as well"...
Beat Hazard Ultra
Dynamite Jack
Solar 2
NightSky HD
And, if you pay more than the average ($6.64 as of this time) you'll get two more games;
Dungeon Defenders +all DLC
Super Hexagon.
In addition, you get the soundtracks for Beat Hazard Ultra, Solar 2, NightSky HD (plus Dungeon Defenders and Super Hexagon if you pay more than the average)