Huge content.ie5 file (over 80gb)


Junior Member
Feb 6, 2013

How can I quickly delete the content.ie5 folder? I've tried just deleting the folders(8) within the file but it takes forever and freezes up (right clicking & deleting). I tried through cmd prompt, but it still takes a long time. Is there a cmd prompt that'll just delete the file as a whole...I think I used something like /d and tried to do an individual folder and it took a while and I gave up...this was about 2 months ago. I saw a new cmd command rmdir /s...I don't know know if it's quicker or not. Is there a program I can download. And I right clicked and clicked on properties to see how big the file is and it's 85gb. I have screenshots and need a quick solution. It takes forever to do a virus scan, because it keeps getting hung up in the content.ie5 folder. And a couple of months ago...I found a virus/adware in those folders.



Senior member
Jan 9, 2013
del /F /S /Q %Path%
rmdir /S /Q %Path%

Where %Path% is the location of your Content.IE5 folder in quotes.

del /F /S /Q "C: \whatever\etc"

Optionally if you have Hidden folders enabled and can "see" the folder in Explorer, press Shift+Delete when the folder is selected.

A tip regarding speed: disable your virus scanner (disconnect from the internet first if you want), same with anything else that might be monitoring the folder, like Windows Search, etc.

Optionally, starting in Safe Mode (tap F8 during boot) will probably do both: show hidden folders, and increase deletion speed.

It still may take a long time if it's a slow hard drive, it's probably fragmented into millions of pieces... so do it when you don't need to use the laptop for awhile.

Seems a bit silly to do what is described in that thread when it's possible without modifications.