HSF for E6600 on 680i in Antec 900


Nov 14, 2004
I have an Antec 900 and an E6600 with stock cooler. I have not yet picked up all the parts for the system. Yet to buy memory, HSF and motherboard. I have decided to buy the evga 680i SLI mobo.

Some questions in this regard:
1) I do not intend to add any additional fans to the 900. In this scenario, what would be the best HSF to buy? I would like to push the E6600 to 3GHz. Will the stock cooler suffice or should I look for a better alternative. How does the Zalman CNS9500 Fair?
2) Will this memory - OCZ2P8002GK 2GB DDR2800 http://shop4.outpost.com/product/4815800 suffice to reach 3GHz speed on this board with stock cooling?
3) Anyone has any clue what memory chips are being used in the above module?

Thanks for any suggestions you can make.