I'm totally clueless about any kind of cooling solution (I haven't upgraded in forever) for this, but since my last computer went kaput, it's time to upgrade. so, yea, I need suggestions
looking for something that's not a jet engine, but something that isn't 100 bucks either. alright, to break it down:
~ quiet
~ cheap
~ some oc'ing, but not hardcore, so it doesn't have to be a top of the line cooler
I did some basic looking, but couldn't find anything specific, so, please, hook me up with some names to look for! (getting it from newegg probably, fyi) oh, and if you happen to know of a power supply that you could suggest too, that'd be greaaaat. thanks guys.
~ quiet
~ cheap
~ some oc'ing, but not hardcore, so it doesn't have to be a top of the line cooler
I did some basic looking, but couldn't find anything specific, so, please, hook me up with some names to look for! (getting it from newegg probably, fyi) oh, and if you happen to know of a power supply that you could suggest too, that'd be greaaaat. thanks guys.