HP Pavillion 753c Crashed Hard Drive. Need to know what to do.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2004
Hi all,

Friend of mine had this system and the hard drive went kaput last week. I quickly built a system for him and have him back up and running.

Now: What do I do with the HP Pavillion? I can install a new hard drive. The Windows Home product key is on the side of the case but the computer did not come with a window cd. He did have HP send him a 2 set recovery cd.

When I install the new hard drive and a copy of windows home how do I get the system back to its original state?

What do I do about drivers, etc. Software etc.

I am confused.



Senior member
May 7, 2005
Why not install the new HD then mirror the old to the new with something like CopyCommander?

EDIT - use the freezer trick to get enough life out of the drive to mirror it.


Senior member
Jul 15, 2005
i'd pretty much say windowsXP will have enough drivers to make the system operational, atleast in my expirence... anything it doesnt have download Everest and see what the hardware is exactly and search google for its driver


Senior member
May 5, 2003
Originally posted by: leigh6
Hi all,

Friend of mine had this system and the hard drive went kaput last week. I quickly built a system for him and have him back up and running.

Now: What do I do with the HP Pavillion? I can install a new hard drive. The Windows Home product key is on the side of the case but the computer did not come with a window cd. He did have HP send him a 2 set recovery cd.

When I install the new hard drive and a copy of windows home how do I get the system back to its original state?

What do I do about drivers, etc. Software etc.

I am confused.


You're making this harder than it is.
You said he ordered the recovery cd's.
Pop a new hdd in the pavillion and use the recovery cd's. The recovery cd's have windows and any drivers & software he needs on the cd.
Problem fixed. I've done this myself on an hp whose hdd went bad.