Quote: Da Whim
don't spoil them, beat them. that's how I grew up. oh...I never take drugs.
Every kid that was beat by some skum parrent that wouldn't take the time to teach them
by telling them the truth, isn't drug free. So child abuse is not the cure.
All it leads to is: when the kid grows up they beat their children
and the domestic violence cycle continues through ignorance.
Honesty, spending time with your child on their terms, might be a better tact.
Plus every one is a drug addict of some kind.
Joggers are endorphine junkies.
Cops are addrenoline junkies.
Religion, sex, music, the list just goes on and on.
Drugs from the human body are the best.
From the first cup of coffie & a smoke in the morning, we all get our drugs one way or the other.
Occasional & moderation is the key to anything. Sex is great, but not if I do it all day every day.
The only real crime is the laws against drugs.
If we can save even one child it's worth it.
Nope, 10 people die every day in Colombia because of our drug laws and most are civilians.
People are hesitant to take some one to the hospitle to save their life if there is a possible overdose situation
because of our drug laws. The person will be jailed for years for taking the person they were partying to the hospitle.
Our government doesn't tell you to take your downers before you drink because if you're half drunk and take downers
it could stop your heart and you'll die.
If you take your downers first and drink in moderation, the user always quits drinking before the danger zone.
Unless involved with ignorant pier pressure causeing excessive drinking when one knows better.
I heard of a drinking contest a place holds every year, and every year the winner dies.
Or something like that. Any way, the winner dies this year, and a few other contestants were hospialized.
Turning in pusher to save your children is STUPID.
The pusher is your childs best friend, and they aren't pushing.
Under the law, the offer and handing pot to your child is illegal.
When you child takes the pot, they are a criminal in possession of an illegal substance and need to be jailed.
When they take a puff, they are committing a crime and are criminals and will be treated like a criminal for life.
When they pass it to someone they are the pusher you don't like.
But most folks would never turn in their child but it's ok to turn in someone elses child.
What ever happened to: do unto others as you would have them do unto you ?
Our drug war laws is the reason millions of illegal dollars are going to gangsers around the world,
much like our prohibition of alcohol did. With the stroke of a pen we could end that funding,
just like the repeal of prohibition did.
The cost of the drug war is imence, 65% of all inmates in jail are directly related drug crimes.
Many other crimes are drug related but not directly linked, like robbery is robbery
even if it's so the perportrator just wants money to buy drugs that are high priced because of our laws against drugs.
Marriage counciler in pill is execacy, but it's illegal here.
If a person is high on heroin and saves your child from drowning, is he a hero or skum?
End the drug war & end the madness.