How will you educate and keep your child/ren off drugs?


Jan 8, 2002
Beat them down? Beat down the person who gave it to them? Educate them about the harsh effects it has on your body? What will you do?



Feb 15, 2000
Take them to a rave when they're 4. Point out all the losers. When they're 12. I'll point out all the movie stars and musicians that went down because of them.


Oct 17, 1999
Tell them the truth.
When I was a kid they lied about drugs and as far as I was concerned lost all credibility.


Jan 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Dr Smooth
Tell them the truth.
When I was a kid they lied about drugs and as far as I was concerned lost all credibility.

What do you mean you were lied to?


Diamond Member
Oct 26, 1999
be open about it, educate them and let them experiment. reasoning: its gonna happen no matter what. my parents tried to be really extreme about me never doin any drugs...the result: the first time i could get my hands on some i did them. i still regularly do some, i get good grades at school (uni) , have two part-time jobs, have a girlfriend and lotsa buddies, am close with my family. harm done: ZERO.

if someone wants to do drugs they will. theres nothing wrong with smoking pot every now and then, in fact its less dangerous than drinking. and pot is NOT a gateway drug, regardless of what anyone says. it is usually the first drug used, yes, because its so readily available. i know ppl who have smoked pot for years and have never ever tried or even talked about wanting to try any other heavier drug.

nuff said.


Jan 8, 2002
That urge is definately there. I've tried all kinds of drugs but for some reason I never got hooked on them. I guess they just have to live and learn.


Oct 17, 1999
Originally posted by: Nocturnal
Originally posted by: Dr Smooth
Tell them the truth.
When I was a kid they lied about drugs and as far as I was concerned lost all credibility.

What do you mean you were lied to?

They tried to demonize marijuana and hallucinogens.


Dec 4, 2001
Better to have them experiment under my roof than off by themselves. Better to have it all out in the open so that you can watch out for behavior that's actually destructive. I will teach them that all drugs have negative health effects, but that different drugs have different effects, and that no drug should be treated lightly, but also that drugs can have some very positive effects if taken with the proper respect. Give them the facts up front so they don't hurt themselves through ignorance or inexperience.


Platinum Member
Sep 2, 2000
How will you educate and keep your child/ren off drugs?

I will "demonize marijuana and hallucinogens". I've already started. Will I lose credibility? who knows? This is a "war" and (right now) I'm winning. I will continue to play dirty and fight hard to keep my children away from drugs and booze.

As it stands right now my children are totally disgusted by the thought of drinking and/or doing drugs, they are disgusted by people that do drugs and drink to excess.

If my kids one day resent my tactics.... so be it. I did what I had to do.


Golden Member
Feb 10, 2003
I think demonizing them is the wrong thing to do, because kids will eventually make their own mind up about such things, and when they see their friends who they like and respect using them, your attempts to demonize them will be overshadowed. I think all you can do is tell them the dangers and effects of such drugs. Speaking as someone who used to use them and party regularly i'll be able to use my experience of them and present the facts in a bleak and honest way. I think as long as you have a kid who concentrates on schoolwork and sports, the chances of them using drugs are considerably lessened, if not eradicated.:beer:


Golden Member
Apr 24, 2002
I've noticed that peoples opinion on this really changes once they have their own kids, and the worry kicks in.
May 10, 2001
explain the detailed, TRUE *not deionized* effects of drugs, along with some life story's about my parents.

tell them that if they must find out what it's like they should wait Tell at lest 20 years old and not taking classes.

let them know that the glory and love that they can be filled with by the Lord far surpasses the spiritual destruction that can come from various drugs.


Dec 3, 2003
Quote: Da Whim
don't spoil them, beat them. that's how I grew up. oh...I never take drugs.

Every kid that was beat by some skum parrent that wouldn't take the time to teach them
by telling them the truth, isn't drug free. So child abuse is not the cure.
All it leads to is: when the kid grows up they beat their children
and the domestic violence cycle continues through ignorance.

Honesty, spending time with your child on their terms, might be a better tact.
Plus every one is a drug addict of some kind.
Joggers are endorphine junkies.
Cops are addrenoline junkies.
Religion, sex, music, the list just goes on and on.
Drugs from the human body are the best.
From the first cup of coffie & a smoke in the morning, we all get our drugs one way or the other.
Occasional & moderation is the key to anything. Sex is great, but not if I do it all day every day.
The only real crime is the laws against drugs.
If we can save even one child it's worth it.
Nope, 10 people die every day in Colombia because of our drug laws and most are civilians.
People are hesitant to take some one to the hospitle to save their life if there is a possible overdose situation
because of our drug laws. The person will be jailed for years for taking the person they were partying to the hospitle.
Our government doesn't tell you to take your downers before you drink because if you're half drunk and take downers
it could stop your heart and you'll die.
If you take your downers first and drink in moderation, the user always quits drinking before the danger zone.
Unless involved with ignorant pier pressure causeing excessive drinking when one knows better.
I heard of a drinking contest a place holds every year, and every year the winner dies.
Or something like that. Any way, the winner dies this year, and a few other contestants were hospialized.

Turning in pusher to save your children is STUPID.
The pusher is your childs best friend, and they aren't pushing.
Under the law, the offer and handing pot to your child is illegal.
When you child takes the pot, they are a criminal in possession of an illegal substance and need to be jailed.
When they take a puff, they are committing a crime and are criminals and will be treated like a criminal for life.
When they pass it to someone they are the pusher you don't like.
But most folks would never turn in their child but it's ok to turn in someone elses child.
What ever happened to: do unto others as you would have them do unto you ?

Our drug war laws is the reason millions of illegal dollars are going to gangsers around the world,
much like our prohibition of alcohol did. With the stroke of a pen we could end that funding,
just like the repeal of prohibition did.

The cost of the drug war is imence, 65% of all inmates in jail are directly related drug crimes.
Many other crimes are drug related but not directly linked, like robbery is robbery
even if it's so the perportrator just wants money to buy drugs that are high priced because of our laws against drugs.

Marriage counciler in pill is execacy, but it's illegal here.
If a person is high on heroin and saves your child from drowning, is he a hero or skum?

End the drug war & end the madness.




Golden Member
Feb 10, 2003
Originally posted by: Bitdog
Quote: Da Whim
don't spoil them, beat them. that's how I grew up. oh...I never take drugs.

Every kid that was beat by some skum parrent that wouldn't take the time to teach them
by telling them the truth, isn't drug free. So child abuse is not the cure.
All it leads to is: when the kid grows up they beat their children
and the domestic violence cycle continues through ignorance.

Honesty, spending time with your child on their terms, might be a better tact.
Plus every one is a drug addict of some kind.
Joggers are endorphine junkies.
Cops are addrenoline junkies.
Religion, sex, music, the list just goes on and on.
Drugs from the human body are the best.
From the first cup of coffie & a smoke in the morning, we all get our drugs one way or the other.
Occasional & moderation is the key to anything. Sex is great, but not if I do it all day every day.
The only real crime is the laws against drugs.
If we can save even one child it's worth it.
Nope, 10 people die every day in Colombia because of our drug laws and most are civilians.
People are hesitant to take some one to the hospitle to save their life if there is a possible overdose situation
because of our drug laws. The person will be jailed for years for taking the person they were partying to the hospitle.
Our government doesn't tell you to take your downers before you drink because if you're half drunk and take downers
it could stop your heart and you'll die.
If you take your downers first and drink in moderation, the user always quits drinking before the danger zone.
Unless involved with ignorant pier pressure causeing excessive drinking when one knows better.
I heard of a drinking contest a place holds every year, and every year the winner dies.
Or something like that. Any way, the winner dies this year, and a few other contestants were hospialized.

Turning in pusher to save your children is STUPID.
The pusher is your childs best friend, and they aren't pushing.
Under the law, the offer and handing pot to your child is illegal.
When you child takes the pot, they are a criminal in possession of an illegal substance and need to be jailed.
When they take a puff, they are committing a crime and are criminals and will be treated like a criminal for life.
When they pass it to someone they are the pusher you don't like.
But most folks would never turn in their child but it's ok to turn in someone elses child.
What ever happened to: do unto others as you would have them do unto you ?

Our drug war laws is the reason millions of illegal dollars are going to gangsers around the world,
much like our prohibition of alcohol did. With the stroke of a pen we could end that funding,
just like the repeal of prohibition did.

The cost of the drug war is imence, 65% of all inmates in jail are directly related drug crimes.
Many other crimes are drug related but not directly linked, like robbery is robbery
even if it's so the perportrator just wants money to buy drugs that are high priced because of our laws against drugs.

Marriage counciler in pill is execacy, but it's illegal here.
If a person is high on heroin and saves your child from drowning, is he a hero or skum?

End the drug war & end the madness.


Seen any men in white coats lately?!:beer:


Feb 13, 2003
Tell them to be aware of the consequences of their actions. I'm not going to spout off some "drugs are evil" bullsh1t. They can decide when they're old enough. Up until then I'd tell them to stay away but if they have a problem and/or questions to ask me up front about it.


Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2001
Keep them out of DARE

Looking back at the essay I wrote for DARE, something along of lines of alcohol being evil and killing people and yadda yadda yadda, I realize how much bs I was fed to in school.

I think the important thing is to have a relationship where you can talk about these things with your children. And let them experience some of the more legal stuff with you. First time I drank was with my parents, first time I ended up hugging the toilet was with my parents, first time I was completely hung over the next day was with my dad. It really taught me my limits and how to drink safer. I've even discussed smoking pot with my parents, my dad told me he had tried it a few times at a friends place but it didn't do much for him (he was well into his 30s at this point) and I've told him that I smoke from time to time. It's all about the communication (and getting smashed together:beer:, I'm thinking I should take him out to a strip club for father's day)


Apr 25, 2001
The best thing you can do is to make sure your kids respect themselves. My son is old enough to explain that we only get one body, and one brain, and if you mess them up, you don't get another. That drugs will not help you to keep the most valuable thing, who you are, your brain, safe from harm. I teach my kids to treat everyone with respect, and that that respect begins with themselves.


Jun 30, 2001
Give them the facts, but whatever you do, DON'T listen to the people on these boards who talk about how you should let them experiment because they are not harmful. BS. Look at the crap they post on these boards about how messed up their lives are. Give them the FACTS and tell them that you would like them not to do them. Be gentle, but firm. Tell them that they are always free to make whatever decisions they want. They have a right to do anything they want, but they must be willing to accept the consequences of their actions.
May 10, 2001
Originally posted by: XZeroII
Give them the facts, but whatever you do, DON'T listen to the people on these boards who talk about how you should let them experiment because they are not harmful. BS. Look at the crap they post on these boards about how messed up their lives are. Give them the FACTS and tell them that you would like them not to do them. Be gentle, but firm. Tell them that they are always free to make whatever decisions they want. They have a right to do anything they want, but they must be willing to accept the consequences of their actions.

brilliant post.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Tell them how it messes with your body, I dunno thats what my parents did to me, and I'm kinda a health nut, so it just doesn't make much sense to me to be smoking etc.


Golden Member
Mar 6, 2001
Originally posted by: XZeroII
Give them the facts, but whatever you do, DON'T listen to the people on these boards who talk about how you should let them experiment because they are not harmful. BS. Look at the crap they post on these boards about how messed up their lives are. Give them the FACTS and tell them that you would like them not to do them. Be gentle, but firm. Tell them that they are always free to make whatever decisions they want. They have a right to do anything they want, but they must be willing to accept the consequences of their actions.

I agree, but I would also tell them that the consequence would be them getting kicked out of the house :)


Diamond Member
Mar 21, 2003
Live the example for them and speak to them about it frequently. Some parents work so much they don't get to know their kids. So when they try to talk to them about drugs the kids dismiss them. You need a relationship with your kids for your wisdom to be absorbed.


Feb 16, 2003
Originally posted by: LordMagnusKain
Originally posted by: XZeroII
Give them the facts, but whatever you do, DON'T listen to the people on these boards who talk about how you should let them experiment because they are not harmful. BS. Look at the crap they post on these boards about how messed up their lives are. Give them the FACTS and tell them that you would like them not to do them. Be gentle, but firm. Tell them that they are always free to make whatever decisions they want. They have a right to do anything they want, but they must be willing to accept the consequences of their actions.

brilliant post.

ditto, it's their life, not ours. Just remind them of it being their life so they can choose what they want to do whether its the right thing or wrong thing