How weak is the T&L engine of the Radeon.... click to find out....


Platinum Member
Oct 12, 1999
Synthetic benchmarks are for idiots with too much time on their hands (was that too harsh? - I can never tell ;)).

When judging a video card you should ask yourself 3 questions:

1) is it riducously fast enough for the games I play TODAY? If so, it will be quite good for the games I play tomorrow...

2) are the drivers in decent shape? If so, I can trust that it will work across platforms/games...

3) does it allow my monitor to shine? If I have a 19 inch monitor, doe I get clear text at 1600x1200 and are the colors in games nicely saturated.



Golden Member
Jul 7, 2000
Synthetic benchmarks are for idiots with too much time on their hands (was that too harsh? - I can never tell ).

Ah must be a Radeon user.

I can tell you, I own a Radeon, GTS and a V5, I am not biased. I was just incredibly suprised to find out this. When you say it will run fine in games now, but what about the high poly, T&L enabled games that will come out later?


Golden Member
Sep 26, 2000

<< 1) is it riducously fast enough for the games I play TODAY? If so, it will be quite good for the games I play tomorrow... >>

Says who? Yeah it *will* be able to run tommorrows games.. but at what cost? running at 640x480 with 16 bit?


Mar 3, 2000
Anybody know of a benchmark that stresses T&amp;L that isn't considered to be pro-nVidia?


Golden Member
Jul 7, 2000
I am sorry 3dMark2000 isn't Pro-NVidia. In 32-bit color the GTS and the Radeon are around the same speed + or - 500, except with the High Polygon test. If you look at ANY benchmark the GTS kills the Radeon in 16-bit color, so why should it be any different for 3DMark2000?


Mar 3, 2000

<< 3dmark is good, but, like so many already mentioned, its (unfortunately) geared towards nvidia cards >>

<< 3dmark isnt suck... it is great for comparing differnt ram settings and such within the same hardware platform... just dont use it to gauge between different gfx cards >>

2 quotes from fellow Anandtechers. I'm not saying it is or isn't, just that that is what the general opinion is. What they base it on other than the superior results that nVidia cards get is beyond me.


Platinum Member
Jul 13, 2000
It's not that 3dmark 2000 is optimized for the GTS, it's that it isn't optimized for the Radeon. It only uses 2 textures units on the cards leaving the Radeon unable to use that 3rd texture unit. BTW I have a GTS card and not a Radeon, so nobody thinks I'm biased towards the Radeon.


Oct 27, 2000
I always think it's interesting when someone trys to find a deep meaning in a very limited synthetic benchmark. I have a 64MB Radeon and a Creative GeForce2 Ultra in my 2 machines respectively, and I'm very familiar with the strengths and weaknesses of both cards. There are so many things wrong with this, but I just woke up so I will only name a few.

1) The synthetic benchmark in question is just that. A synthetic benchmark...... nothing more.

2) The benchmark in question was designed before the Radeon was even available, and it's not designed to measure many of the card's strengths and abilities.

3) There has been countless tests and reviews run with real games (incuding T &amp; L) that show the Radeon suffers a much less drastic performance decrease than the GTS when both the resolution and the polygon count rises. If anything, one could easily say the Radeon is better prepared for the future games than the GTS, not the other way around as a couple of you guys have suggested. I'm not necessarily saying it is, I'm only pointing out the argument is strong in the other direction too.

4) Using the principle (kinda ;) ) behind the problem with 2), we could look at the benchmarks comparing the Environment Mapped Bump Mapping (EMBM) performance of the Radeon core vs the GeForce core. Using BumpEarth: Direct3D BumpMapping, the GeForce core reaches about 5 frames per second. The Radeon core reaches a whopping 1600 frames per second running the same test. That's right.... 1600 vs 5.
In fact, the GeForce performs so poorly that even Intel's SiS630S integrated chipset beats it by a whopping 3000% with 152 frames per second in the same test. The GeForce core does not natively support EMBM, therfore it naturally gets crushed in this test. I would not start a thread about it though.

** Btw... EMBM is a very cool effect. It's a shame the GTS won't be able to keep up with the new games that will support it.

5) There are many things that make a video card a well rounded package. There is no single game, test, benchmark, (or person in a forum) that can define a card's worth.

6) Think of what would have happened if someone had started a thread called &quot;How weak is the GeForce2's 2D image to find out&quot;
Now that would have gotten ugly. (No pun intended :p)

They are both great cards though, and I am continually amazed at some people's need to prove one better in some way than the other. I take part in these discussions from time to time myself, but I pretty much spend most of my time having fun with my cards playing kick-ass games.

Anyway, just my thoughts after waking up this morning. Excuse me if they are a little.... um.... what was I saying? :D


Sep 25, 2000

The bag of &quot;tricks&quot;, sort of speak, available to
the developer of drivers to optimize framerate have
well known artifacking characteristics.
Some of you may have experienced this as stuttering in games or unacceptable framerate variation.
The link below reviews some of these questionable tatics
in the process of discussing DX8.

Warning: I am wearing my ATI hat :)


Diamond Member
Sep 17, 2000
Peope made a test with the GTS and radeon a while back in Quake 3 they set the lod bias so that it loaded like 10x the normal poly load and the radeon was almost 2x as fast at 640x480 because of hsr.


Platinum Member
May 28, 2000
The Radeon's T&amp;L dosent perform nearly well as NVidia's probobly because NVidia's drivers are so mature.


Golden Member
Jul 7, 2000
I got about the same responce over at the 3dfiles board. The problem with the Polygon test in 3dMark2000 uses a game engine to produce the test. Max Payne is a game coming out that uses the MaxFX engine used for 3dMark2000. The Polygon test is a low fillrate HIGH polygon test. It tests the T&amp;L engine of the graphics card.

For all of you that want to test it, try loading up Sacrifice. Turn the detail up to Insane. What you will see with the Radeon is the constant changing of the polygon models just like what I see on my V5. With the GTS the polygon models are very constant.


Golden Member
Jul 7, 2000
6) Think of what would have happened if someone had started a thread called &quot;How weak is the GeForce2's 2D image to find out&quot;

It is truely sad that most of you are seeing this as a &quot;Haha the GTS is faster than the Radeon&quot; thread. If you have read any of my post in the past you would know that I stick up for the V5 a lot. This thread was truely showing that there is something wrong with the T&amp;L engine with the Radeon or something wrong in the drivers.

Now why couldn't any of you guys see it this way?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Are some people trying to claim IBMer is a nVidiot:Q:confused:

His point is a valid one and one that has been known and shown several times on different sites, the Radeon's T&amp;L is not as strong as nVidia's. The GeForce SDR has routinely demonstrated its' edge whenever they are compared(speaking just of hardware T&amp;L).

If you don't play any T&amp;L games and don't work with any pro 3D apps then don't worry about it. If you do, you might want to know.


Golden Member
Jul 7, 2000
I think weaker is an understatement. I find that the Radeon scores higher in the High Polygon tests using software T&amp;L then the Hardware T&amp;L. It is also runs better in Sacrifice with the software T&amp;L.


Platinum Member
Oct 12, 1999
Ah must be a Radeon user

You may have noticed from my post (if you can read, that is) that I did not even mention the Radeon (or any other video card). I focused on your use of synthetic benchmarks that don't tell you jack-$hit about the real world.

Am I the only one who has grown weary of 14 year-old NVidiots (or adults who act like 14 year-old NVidiots) posting flame bait (i.e., like your original post) about why their video cards rock so much. Its a video card - get a grip.



Golden Member
Jul 7, 2000
You may have noticed from my post (if you can read, that is) that I did not even mention the Radeon (or any other video card). I focused on your use of synthetic benchmarks that don't tell you jack-$hit about the real world.

Am I the only one who has grown weary of 14 year-old NVidiots (or adults who act like 14 year-old NVidiots) posting flame bait (i.e., like your original post) about why their video cards rock so much. Its a video card - get a grip.

Now who is 14-years old?

Take a look at Ben's post, he laughed at the fact that someone thinks I am an NVidiot.

I was not posting this no the fact that is was more or less than any other card here. I have no clue that the T&amp;L engine on the Radeon was this weak. I felt I needed to show this to other peole who were going to buy one. I seems kind of stupid for me to just knock something I spent $250 on.

Then again, the only person in this thread that is showing any age deprivation is the only person throwing around insults of people's mentality and credibility.


Golden Member
Sep 26, 2000

<< Peope made a test with the GTS and radeon a while back in Quake 3 they set the lod bias so that it loaded like 10x the normal poly load and the radeon was almost 2x as fast at 640x480 because of hsr >>

The results given for that test were BS. Why? firstly they had scores for a voodoo 5 6000. Secondly, I did the test myself and I was getting ~70ish, which was 2x higher than the score given for the gf2 ultra.


Platinum Member
Feb 3, 2000
Tests have been done with Quake3 with super high polygon counts, and the Radeon beat the crap out of the Geforce 2. However, the T&amp;L is not as good, that is probably due to both more immature drivers and Nvidia's &quot;experience&quot; with T&amp;L (duh, they just keep improving what they have and adding a feature each time they raise the price, I mean, release a &quot;new&quot; card).

But of course, if you run a test/benchmark that's optimized for the Radeon (or uses features only on the Radeon and not a Geforce), the Radeon will be better.

Sorry for reinterating what you guys already posted!

Point is, when &quot;tomorrow's games&quot; come out, you will have a new card and it really won't matter.

<edit>BTW, your link isn't working.</edit>


Golden Member
Sep 26, 2000

<< Tests have been done with Quake3 with super high polygon counts, and the Radeon beat the crap out of the Geforce 2 >>

Refer to my post above.


Platinum Member
Feb 3, 2000
lsd, so therefore IBMer's comments don't make sense anymore do they? So the Geforce's T&amp;L is faster now, but what about tomorrow, with tomorrow's games? Oh, and refer to this:

<< Point is, when &quot;tomorrow's games&quot; come out, you will have a new card and it really won't matter. >>



No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
I too, don't put much weight to 3dmark for comparison of different vidcards. My old Viper2 beats my Voodoo5 in 3dmark easily, yet the Voodoo5 beats the Viper2 in any game out there. As for T&amp;L Nvidia vs ATI, I dunno, time will ultimately tell.

BTW, Max Payne has been cancelled.


Aug 14, 2000
I click on the link and I get a:

Uhoh, someone borked a cgi script. If this happens for more than 15 minutes send out an email to We'll take care of it pronto.

I can't comment on the issue until I see the benchmarks.


Golden Member
Sep 26, 2000
<< Point is, when &quot;tomorrow's games&quot; come out, you will have a new card and it really won't matter. >>
Any game that comes out now is considered &quot;tomorrow's game&quot; for my 7 month old Gladiac.