Originally posted by: Nemesis77
Originally posted by: etech
Originally posted by: BaliBabyDoc
Bush et al tried to deny OIL had anything to do with this invasion . . . but even stalwarts at places like the American Enterprise Institute and Heritage Foundation would concur that oil was a factor due to our strategic needs.
The denials were a poor strategy unless WMD is "discovered" relatively soon in Iraq . . . any appearance of WMD in May or June will clearly have difficulty passing a sniff test.
BBD, the first inspectors did not find much for the first four or five years on inspections. Your petty attempt to say that any WMD found in Iraq is planted is rather sick and twisted.
Go sniff something else.
To my knowledge, the inspectors found quite alot of stuff, even though (according to USA) the Iraqi leadership did it's best to hife everything and move stuff around. And how many inspectors were there?
Now we don't have that uncooperative leadership anymore, we have entire US intelligence at our disposal, we have 100.000 soldiers going through the country, we have informants, spy-satellites, spies etc. etc.... And they have found nothing. Nada. zilch. Oh, they found few barrels of ordinary pesticides, but that's it.
EDIT: and yes, I do think that if US doesn't find any WMD's they will propably try to plant some there and then "find" them. Do you think that US would admit that it started a war, invaded and occupied a sovereign nation for reasons that simply aren't true? They would never admit that.
EDIT2: It has been suggested that now that the war is over, they let the inspectors back in and let THEM find the alleged WMD's. US doesn't like that suggestion. Why?