How to use multiple cable modems


Golden Member
May 21, 2001
I would like to hook up two cable modems to a router. What kind or type of router can I get to take advantage of both connections?


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 25, 1999
There are Dual WAN Routers.

Hawking Tech. makes in expensive ones:

However you should know that it is Not a matter of putting a second Modem on your cables. You need two active accounts with your ISP, and even then it would only Load Balance, you would not get double the Bandwidth on One File download.:shocked:


P.S. You Do Not get more Beer out of a Standard Can if you pour it to a One gallon Bucket.:beer:


Golden Member
May 21, 2001
Lets say that I do have two accounts with the cable company and two cable modems with 3mb down, is there a router that will allow me to take advantage of both cable modems? If I'm downloading from lets say a newsserver that allows 4 persitant connections and the bandwidth gets used from the first modem will it automatically goto the second modem for more bandwidth?


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 25, 1999
OK let take the concrete approach.

You have two accounts each provides 3Mb/sec.

Let assume that each would yields Max. of 350KB/sec. Stable Download.

You can Download one or two files at 350Kb/sec. or 10 file at at 70Kb/sec. or any other combination of this nature.

However No single download would exceed 350KB/sec.

If you need more you would need to purchase your own backbone connections a s well a special server and server software.

The last time I look the software itself was in excess of $12,000.

A more viable solution is to find a provider that is selling a Cooperate level Internet Connections. As an example Road Runner offers a 6 Mbps download, 2 Mbps upload, 13 Static IP Addresses.

Do not feel bad, you are not alone, every week there plenty of guys that post similar threads thinking that they deserve getting the entire Internet traffic for themselves with entry level systems, unfortunately they have to walk away disappointed.
