How to upgrade bios?


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
I've never done it before, and it has been suggested that I upgrade my motherboard bios as a fix to the problems I have been having. I have downloaded the correct file, but abit's website sucks and has no information at all on how to update, I know I put it onto a floppy, do I list floppy as first boot device in bios or what?


Platinum Member
Oct 21, 2000
You will need a bootable floppy too. Put the file onto that floppy (triple check to make sure that is the correct bios). Download the flashutility. ( i beleive awdflash is the one for abit) put that onto theboot disk too. boot into your rig into dos. run the awdflashexe and it will ask you to enter the name fo the bin file for your bios. type in the name of your bin file (don't forget to inlde the whole name ie: newbio.BIN) and it will then ask you if you would like to save old bios info. up to you, but I wold suggest yes. It saves the old bios and writes the new one. when it finishes, you are done! exit bios utility and restart you rig like normal...


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
I told it to reset when I left the bios flash utility, I thought that it meant restart (the entire utility is written in pretty bad english) so anyways I boot back up and it starts asking me for files, all of them start with VIA, I have the latest 4 in 1's installed, but these files can't be found by my computer, any ideas on what to do next?