How to tell which hard drive clicks


Junior Member
Jul 10, 2006
currently i have 3 hard drives in my rig, my problem is that one of them is clicking and making iTunes randomly skip while playing, some time rendering a song unplayable. It also makes other random programs skip, its annoying as hell when im fighting an enemy on WOW and i start skipping and die. I need to know what i can do to tell which one it is, short of running the rig with only 1 drive at a time. Since i only have windows installed on one drive that limits myself. I believe i know which one it could be, i had an oem one sent to me from newegg and i found it delivered in my back porch. The box was a little to big to fit under the fence, so i think the driver dropped it from the top, a fall of 4-5 feet.


Diamond Member
Aug 29, 2006
Run with just the windows one in. If it clicks, it's that one. Add one of the others and if it clicks that's the one. Etc, etc. Starting with the one you need to have in all the time means you don't have to just try and run them by themselves.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Is it a RAID array or JBOD? It should be pretty easy to isolate the failing drive by identifying the drive where the apps/files that are having problems reside.


Junior Member
Jul 10, 2006
its jbod, well i did what Roguestar said and managed to figure out that it is the primary hard drive that is giving me the problems. i unhooked all the drives except the primary and dvd-rom a removed an old stick of ram. once i booted and loaded itunes, i started to use the computer like i normally do and it started to skip like it normally did. i contacted Hitachi and they want me to run a drive fitness test. this is a bootable piece of software they provide that can diagnose hard drive failure, when i try to boot the computer with this software it just locks up.