how to take care of vibration from pump?? HELP


Platinum Member
Jan 16, 2002
i've been rnning my setup for the last week now looking for leaks, and i have none, but i've noticed that the pump i have that is padded with neoprene is vibrating a fair amount, you can't hear it but you can definately feel it, especially in the 5.25 hard drive bays. are there any drive sleds i can buy the will padd the drive from the vibrations.

right now the drives vibrate about twice as much just a hard drive vibration. is this bad?? like do you think i will be fine just running the drives without padding??

the drives that will be going inot the new setup are 15k seagate, an 2 80gb ata ivs @7200rpms.

what do i do?