This is the most complicated BIOS I've ever dealt with...
...memory adjustment "timing" should be better. Not nearly precise enough.
Could you make yourself seem more like a noob? Don't kick a guy in the nuts when he's trying to help you up =(. It's not more simple then that. What you asked was how to "oc the memory". He answered that. You increase the fsb. Or change what the speed of the memory default is. Which is the correct answer for the question asked. The reason you think the "memory adjustment" should be better, is because you don't understand the bios yet. The "memory adjustment" ? ie ratio, is set up the way it is, because it?s designed to work at the current and projected Standard memory speeds. If you want a non-standard speed setup, you change the fsb. This is and has been true for every single motherboard since 33mhz cpu?s came out. Oiy. With AMD chips, you don't want to set the memory at a higher speed then the cpu fsb, because it doesn't do anything for you and sometimes can actually hurt performance (however hard that is to believe). If you want to OC an AMD chip, you increase the fsb until satisfied, or until your limited by your hardware (you can do this at a 1:1 ratio, or an uneven ratio [400:333, 400:266, 400:200]). For a more specific and in-depth answer on OC'ing, check out the forums on overclocking an AMD 64-bit processor. There is probably a sticky, you can go to and read up on. Right now, asking directly for help isn't going to work, since you don't yet understand how the new AMD mobo's work in regards to oc'ing.