Cool, thanks. I am now able to share files between the two machines. I still have 2 questions though:
1. Whenever I browse the network from the NT machine, it takes a long time to browse through every screen to get to the 98 machine and its shared folder and its files. Like maybe 2 minutes between screens. Once I get to the files, I am able to transfer them quickly between the machines. This is only a problem when using the NT machine to look at the 98 machine. Looking at the NT machine from the 98 machine goes very quickly. Any ideas on this one? I'm stumped....
2. When I log into the 98 machine I have to use a username/pass from the NT machine. But when I click ok, it tries to validate against a domain server which doesn't exist (since I'm connecting to NT workstation). It takes a few minutes to do this before coming back with the error maesage that no domain server could be found. I am still able to see everything on the NT machine after getting in 98. I just want to try and eliminate this error message or the wait it takes to bring it up. Any ideas here?