How to keep notebook email synced with desktop?


Golden Member
Sep 28, 2001
I just got a new iBook G4 and am trying to figure out a way to keep my email synced between my XP desktop, my Linux desktop and my iBook.

The best solution would be each machine would keep a local copy.

Normally my WinXP desktop would check every hour. It would then update a global email database.

When a machine checks for email it would then attempt to sync with the global email database and update it.

Each machine would attempt to sync with the global database also.

So in the end you would have a global database that is updated whenever any of the machines recieves mail. Only one would check for mail on its own. The rest would have to be told to by my self. The XP machine that checks by its self would also check the global database it self to see if any mail was added by another machine....

Very complicated I know. But if there is any reasonable solution I would be glad to hear it.