How to install Windows 98 w/ only upgrade CD??


Golden Member
Aug 7, 2001
Ok, my friend has a computer with Win 98 on it (originally 95, upgraded to 98 w/ CD). He wants to put in a new 40 gig HDD and dump the old 6 gig HDD which has his Win98 OS and all his stuff on it. I told him he could just use Norton Ghost to transfer the info.

However, he says that a guy he works with a Circuit City said that you can use JUST the Win 98 upgrade CD he has, to install Win 98 on a new HDD WITHOUT having Win95 on it first. How the heck can you do this? Is he bsing?

What other options besides Ghosting can I use to get his new HDD up and running with Win98?

BTW, he doesn't have his old Win 95 CD. He just has a Compaq restoration disk, and he doesn't think he has Win 95 on it. Ack...what to do??

This is not General Hardware related.

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