How to install HSF?


Jun 13, 2003
I'm a complete newbie when it comes to recent systems. The last system I built was a P3 800mhz system. Now I'm building a new system, with an AMD 64 3400+ Clawhammer. What worries me most is when the time comes to put on the HSF. I have never installed one before, and I have heard all the horror stories about cracking the CPU while installing heavy HSFs.

At first I was going to get a normal CPU, but the 1mb L2 cache was just too tempting. My friend tells me that the DTR chips do not have a protected core, and so that risk of breaking the chip still exists.

So basically, HOW do I properly install a HSF onto an AMD 64 (754)? Applying thermal paste and all that jazz too. How do I do it without breaking the CPU? I absolutely CANNOT afford to break the CPU. The mobo I'm getting (Lanparty UT) already has mounting brackets, and I'm getting the Zalman CNPS7000B HSF.



Dec 25, 2004
the cpu is not made of sugar u wont break it since u dont use violence. take care for a clean table with enugh space and then do the installation step by step like the manula for the hsf or the stock hsf or the video says. never use violence. if u dont know if its wron or right what ur doing, stop working and think about it until ur sure, then try. my brother is 14 years old, he doesnt know what a cpu does or how fast his one is, all he cares for is gaming. when we build up his comp i let him do the work and the lil fella was faster than iam building the shlt up. So if he can do it, u will be able too. trust me ;).

ahya, and dont apply too much of thermal grease. a lil drop is enough, coat it very thin and if its too much take away something.


Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2002
I seriously thought that I would do some damage when installing my XP-90 as it required a LOT of force...but alas, everything turned out fine, and I'm getting super temperatures.


Jun 13, 2003
Haha... thanks for the help. I'm just worried how fragile the core is, but apparently it's not that bad. I'll be using more elbow grease than is probably comfortable though, huh?