How to get these files back?


Platinum Member
Mar 15, 2003
A friend had his computer crash on him. He tried repairing the original windows xp, but could not do so. He installed windows XP home from scratch, on the same partition but on a different folder. Essentially, he has 1st XP home on C:\Windows and 2nd XP home on C:\Window.

He can see all his files in the 'My Documents' folder on his old XP, but cannot open/copy them as they are password protected. Where can he enter the password or is there any other option?



Senior member
Mar 2, 2005
i dont know if this will work since its been a while since i seen a case like this, but my research found this.. please let me know if this works or not...
In Windows Explorer, right-click on the folder and left-click on properties.
Click on the Security tab.
Click on the Advanced button.
Click on the Owner tab.
Select your current login ID from the list in the second frame.
Check the box labeled "Replace owner on subcontainers and objects".
Click OK.
Make sure your user name shows up in the top box under "Group or user names" and you have full control rights (click on your name and check the Full Control box in the bottom window), or if your account is a local admin, the account Administrators is fine.
Click OK.
Try to access the folder again.

Two situations where this will not work are:
1) The files are corrupted and can't be read.
2) The files are encrypted, in which case you'll have to use a hacking/encryption tool (I know there are some around but don't know of any specifically) to read the files.

If you are running XP Professional, then DISABLE "Simple File Sharing" in Windows Explorer/Tools/Folder Options/View.....

THEN, do the steps listed above to take ownership of the folder.

If you are running XP Home, you'll have to boot into Safe Mode before you can access the Security tab.