How to get the 12.60 asus drivers working?


Senior member
Jan 25, 2001
I got an asus 6800 deluxe and installed the 12.60 drivers in win2k. The install went good, and it ran 3dmark2001 well (11.01 didn't do that). But after starting the computer in winme again, and then back to win2k a blue screen appeard at boot up. anvmini.dll or something.

I have tried installing the drivers several times but it does the same everytime. So im back to the 6.49 drivers now.


Junior Member
Apr 7, 2000
I have the same card and just downloaded and installed the 12.60 drivers yesterday. I'm running win98 SE though. I can't help you with win2k other than to ask a stupid question. Did you download the win2k drivers. By the way, I was seeing some qwerks in Quake 3 similar to what I saw using nvidia's reference drivers, so I went back to version 5.33a. Does anyone know which asus drivers work best with the ASUS V6800 Pure with win98 SE?


Senior member
Jan 25, 2001
Acid: you don't need to use the asus drivers, since your card basically is a plain geforce card. Just find the detonator with lesser problems (dunno witch though). But I really want to use newer drivers with my card. The 6.49 drivers work alright though. At least no bluescreens at bootup. Anyone tried the asus 12.60 in win2k, and got it working?