Originally posted by: zanejohnson
Originally posted by: loki8481
khaki's + button down shirt or polo.
they're not picky, they just don't want to waste time training someone who's going to flake out and pull no-shows or quit after a couple weeks.
have no shame, pretty much anyone who's made it big later in life started out working fast food jobs to earn money to get the nice things they wanted.. shit i did it in my day... saved money working at fast food joints or waiting tables to buy a badass (for it's time) we're talking 6 years ago Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX, saved for mods to make it fast, (the only competition then was the 4.6 Mustang GTs, LTI FBodys, and the all mighty C5 later on.... and i could rape any of them from a stop, and pull on them from a roll, except the C5, i remember getting waked countless times by C5's, and it would make me mad.... i ended up totalling that car on a dirt road...still to the day the coolest car i've ever owned..with the insurance check i picked up a mint, never modded white Eclipse GS-T, and had money left over for a RalliArt metal head gasket, SAFC (air to fuel controller) in car boost controller with presets (cant remember who made it now, i think it was greddy) Garrett ported and clipped 16G turbo, hard IC pipes, Supra SMIC, 550 injectors, and i had a built car, FWD, but built.... highway burnouts in 3rd when you hit 20lbs of boost were a definite head turner... from a stop it was useless... the cars i was raping with the GSX were putting a car on me right off the bad, once i got some traction i'd blow there doors off but it was annoying...from a roll though it was ridiculous... the speedo went to 160, and it would peg it and had more power to go, but you'd run out of gear right after the speedo was pegged anyway...so high 160's i'd estimate top speed.. i only got to have fun with that car for
i could pull on stock Z06's, any Mustang besides the only car that ever put me to shame...a roush S3 Mustang, BEAUTIFUL car, there used to be a "racing club type thing, when i was in high school, and me and my friends were there every night, well i had already beaten a few old school Mustangs, and Challengers and what not when this dude rolls up in a roush stage 3, it was beautiful, i could hear his supercharger wine loud when he revved it and i already knew i was gonna be volunteered to run him...of course i was.... so we lined up...from a stop first, someone counted to 3 and he got like the most perfect RWD lunch i've ever seen, all i saw was tail lights the entire race, by the time i was getting traction he was almost at the end of our "strip" an old abandoned highway... i think those things pull like 11's the way they come and my car was a high 12/low 13 car at best, probably more like a low 14 seconds..
the only other car to ever pull on me was beleive it or not a Prelude, really nice ride, tasteful body kid, lowered, nice set of 17's, built moter, cams, I/H/E, VTEC controller, and a 100 shot... we went from a roll and he pulled on my by about a car to 150ish....