How to check Haswells C states?


Golden Member
Feb 14, 2010
Took an amp draw of the power cord.

24.78 watts @ desktop idle
33.04 watts @ average tasks
95.58 watts @ prime95 (max power)
110.92 watts @ prime95 (max heat)

So when at desktop idle with this wattage, I do not beleive it is going low.

Hardware listed in sig.


Golden Member
Jun 5, 2013
25w idle is not bad for a desktop. Don't forget that includes CPU + motherboard + HDD's / SSD's + optical drives + GFX cards / other PCI-E devices + any attached USB devices, etc. Subtract all that and you're virtually in single-digits.

Edit: As for how to check them, go into the BIOS and disable all C1/C3/C6/C7 states, then reboot and do another power reading under same conditions as first. Figures should be higher. Re-enable in BIOS when finished. Also subtract the load - idle watts, ie, you're 95-110w load and 25w idle, then your "84w" CPU is already idling at very little. Much of that 25w is probably stuff on your motherboard, your 32GB RAM, your SSD, USB, etc.

Even the brand / model of motherboard can have an impact of up to 20w or so:-
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