How the U.S Government screws us.


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2005
my thought: where have you been?
yes, we could supply ourselves with oil if the envios would let us drill. i don't understand it either.
" dont build wind turbines because of the birds, dont use tide energy or hydro because of the fish, dont use nuke because of the radiation, dont use oil because of the co2, dont drill for energy, dont make campfires, dont fart! your contributing to global warming! "


Jan 31, 2005
Do you actually believe this crap? If there was all of this easy to get, untapped oil, that the companies refuse to get, then it should be easy for you to start a company, extract it, and sell it for the current market rate. Sure there's a lot of oil in Alaska.

But there's no conspiracy. The same wacko's who complain about conspiracies are also the same ones who complain when someone tries to get that oil.


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
Don't be dumb. If it was easy to get to, it would already be drilled.

Aside from the difficulty of reaching down into the ground for that oil, consider the other logistics. How do you get that oil all the way back to civilization? There are no roads up there, or serviceable seaports, or pipelines. It's an enormously costly operation to get into, and until oil is scarce enough to warrant that, it ain't gonna happen.

Edit: Might I also add in the human cost? The oil industry already demands top dollar for employees - how much extra would you have to get paid to freeze your ass off and work up in Alaska? I'm betting it'd be quite the premium.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2003
Originally posted by: herm0016
my thought: where have you been?
yes, we could supply ourselves with oil if the envios would let us drill. i don't understand it either.
" dont build wind turbines because of the birds, dont use tide energy or hydro because of the fish, dont use nuke because of the radiation, dont use oil because of the co2, dont drill for energy, dont make campfires, dont fart! your contributing to global warming! "

luckily, the first nuclear power plant since like 1950 was approved for building recently. Hopefully the nutjobs are cooled down after 3-Mile Island.


Diamond Member
Jul 4, 2005
I didn't say I believed it. The guy just makes a lot of interesting points.

And I thought the video would be a nice discussion here :)
Mar 11, 2004
I think this was posted by someone else recently, and the guy had some outlandish claims (such as if we drilled in Alaska we'd have enough oil to sustain us for 200 years, when in actually it is maybe 2, and that's after we'd spend billions getting the equipment there). Also, this seems yet another person who really does not have knowledge of the overall picture. I believe someone pointed out that he's a minister or something, which certainly seems like a field he'd have expertise about the oil/gas industry.


Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: yllus

How do you get that oil all the way back to civilization? There are no roads up there, or serviceable seaports, or pipelines.

There's no pipeline going to Alaska? Since when?


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2006
Recently billions upon billions of gallons of oil were found in North Dakota. It was touted as "easily recoverable".
America is sitting on immense amounts of untapped oil reserves from the Dakotas, to Alaska to the deep gulf coast.
If this country actually wanted to, it could pump more than enough oil to sustain itself.

Alaska, ANWR specifically, has been a hot topic recently. What has been repeated over and over is that it would take at least 10 years to recover the oil.
If you look back 30 years ago, after the last energy crisis, the talking point was that it would take at least 10 years to recover the oil.
The same arguement was made 10 years after that. No action was taken, had someone done something, we would be utilizing that oil now.

Then there is the insane amount of oil available in domestic and Canadian oil shale.

There is too much red tape and the bullshit argument that "it will cost too much" to tap into these resources.
Then again, mabey we should just wait until we REALLY need it, then go get it.


Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: SampSon
Recently billions upon billions of gallons of oil were found in North Dakota. It was touted as "easily recoverable".
America is sitting on immense amounts of untapped oil reserves from the Dakotas, to Alaska to the deep gulf coast.
If this country actually wanted to, it could pump more than enough oil to sustain itself.

Alaska, ANWR specifically, has been a hot topic recently. What has been repeated over and over is that it would take at least 10 years to recover the oil.
If you look back 30 years ago, after the last energy crisis, the talking point was that it would take at least 10 years to recover the oil.
The same arguement was made 10 years after that. No action was taken, had someone done something, we would be utilizing that oil now.

Then there is the insane amount of oil available in domestic and Canadian oil shale.

There is too much red tape and the bullshit argument that "it will cost too much" to tap into these resources.
Then again, mabey we should just wait until we REALLY need it, then go get it.

Brilliant military tactic: make your competitors run out of resources first.


Nov 23, 2001
Originally posted by: SampSon
Originally posted by: 91TTZ
Brilliant military tactic: make your competitors run out of resources first.

Over the long term, yes, this is exactly what should happen.

1. Buy as much oil as possible from countries that reside within hostile Islamic culture.
2. Make sure those countries do not invest in long-term sustainable infrastructure.
3. Wait until they run out of oil.
4. Profit!!